Chap61|Learn from my mistakes.

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She gave me a small smile. "Yeah."

I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. "Y/N, when are we going to stop this?"

"Stop what Camila?" She asked looking at me with her eyebrows furrowed up.

I shrugged and pointing between the both of us. "This. Y/N, god I get that I made a huge mistake but I don't like how we're going about things. You said we're good, but why don't I feel like we are?"

She sighed and shook her head. "Camila-"

"No Y/N. I know you're still pissed at me and you have every right to be. But can we ever get passed it and move forward."

She stared at me sideways.

"Do you even have the answer to that?"

"Listen Camila. I love you, you know damn well I do. But-"

"But what Y/N?"

"But. It's just a lot of things going on right now. You know that."

I nodded slowly. "Mmm. Right, so this has something to do with India?"

She shook her head disagreeing with me. "No Mila it doesn't. That's not what I'm saying, I just want you to understand that things are probably going to get ready and change between us."

I felt my stomach drop the moment she said that. "What? Y/N, what are you trying to say to me?"

Y/N gave me this look. It was a look that I wasn't used to seeing from her. I wanted to know what she was thinking. No scratch that I needed to know.

Instead of saying anything she turned her attention to Royalty.

"Y/N." I said sternly but she didn't even look my way.

"Y/N." I said again feeling myself become overwhelmed and tears start to form in my eyes. "My god please just talk to me, that's all I'm asking for."

Y/N looked back over at me giving me the same look.

"We'll talk about this later Camila."


"Later, ok."

I sighed deciding to let it go for now.  "Ok."

"Hello, have you guys had enough time to look over the menus?" I heard the waitress ask before I tuned out.

I just wanted to know what was going on with Y/N. She wasn't acting like herself and that's scaring me, now we need to talk.

I need to know that everything is ok with us, before I can feel better.


Getting back from In and Out I decided to go meet up with Normani, Dinah, and Ally at their studio.

I walked in with Royalty attached to my hip and made my way into the studio room that they were in.

I sighed as the girls started to come at me as soon as I got in the room.

"You guys please." I could already feel a headache coming on.

"Ok Camila what's been going on with you?" I heard Dinah ask.

I sighed as I put Royalty down and watched her walk over to the girls.

"I don't know how to answer that."

Ally looked at me. "Really Camila, something has got to be up. You missed out on your child's birthday, you know how you've been begging to be there for her and all."

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