Talking to Mabel

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Pov Dipper
(From now on I'm going to leave the songs that I used.)

It's been a week and Mabel wanted me to do something for her. After class I walked to her dorm and knocked on the door.

"Dipper you came!" Mabel said.
"Of course I did, you asked me too." I said.
"Come in!" She smiled.

I walked in and saw fabric everywhere. I see Candy and Grenda sitting the couch.

They kept looking at all the types of fabrics. They were all confused about what was in front of them.

"Hey girls." I smiled.
"Hey Dipper." They smiled.
"I need help with my project and my creative juices aren't flowing." Mabel said.
"What's your project about?" I asked.
"BARK!" I forgot Night.
"Can Night come in?" I asked them.
"Of course." The three said.

I opened the door and Night raced in and snuggled with Mabel.

"He got fluffier." Mabel smiled.
"I know." I smiled.
"What was the assignment again?" Candy asked.
"I have to work with someone that doesn't have the same talent as me to create something amazing." Mabel said.
"They have the same talent as you?" I said.
"Yeah." Candy and Grenda said.
"Let's try spit balling some ideas for Mabel.' I said.

I sat down on the couch and Night raced over to me and sat on my lap. We started to spit ball ideas but they were all terrible. Night kept chasing his tail because he got bored. 

"We have nothing." I said.
"Same." Candy said.
"This sucks." Grenda said.
"I hate when I can't think of ideas when I need it the most!" Mabel groaned.
"What's your talent again Dipper?" Candy asked.
"I never told you guys, well I have two." I said.
"That's cool, what are they?" Grenda asked.
"I can sing and understand creatures." I said.
"That's so cool." Candy said.
"Bark bark!" 
"Thanks Night." I smiled.
"Can you play any instruments decently?" Grenda said.
"I had to learn two songs on the Piano for a friend." I said.
"Three songs Dipper." Mabel said.
"I thought it was two?" I said.
"Nope." Mabel said.
"What are the songs?" Candy asked.
"Let her go, Elastic heart and...." I couldn't remember the last one.
"Punchline, but the bad thing was that he learned them by heart and they didn't up ditching Dipper." Mabel said.
"Sucks for them because I got first place in the talent show because of that." I said.
"Bark, bark, woof, bark, bark, woof, bark, bark, bork." I turned around and Night got his head stuck in a jar.

"How did you get your head stuck?" I smiled.

I had to get up and take the jar off Night's head and I smiled when he looked at me. 

"Silly." I said.

I went back to seat back down and Mabel keeps looking at the floor because she had no ideas.

"I'm bored and I have no idea what to do." Mabel said.
"What's your idea?" I said looking at Night.
"Woof woof." 
"Mabel what usually get's your creative ideas flowing?" I asked.
"I don't know music, but I've listened to my whole playlist and nothing." Mabel said.

"Maybe you need new music?" Candy said.

"Aroooo~" Night howled.
"Music right their." I smiled.
"Thank you Night, but still nothing." Mabel said.
"She even listened to mines and my taste is complete trash." Grenda said.
"Dip you've listen to music that I've never heard of."  Mabel said.
"You don't like my music." I said.
"I just really wanna hear you sing because I haven't heard your voice in a while." Mabel said.
"You probably won't know this song." I said.

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