Plan starts

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Pov Felix

It's been three long weeks and I've been watching him, he's show no sign of affection to anyone but that stupid dog!

I know that he likes someone because I over heard Anna and Aj talking. They refuse to tell me, I bet it's because Alex told them what I was up too.

Anne is slowly losing her fame and popularly because of him. People aren't afraid of her anyone because she lost her title.

Dipper doesn't know that he has her title now, he's hilarious. Anne did some things to earn that title.

She was feared by everyone in the music department but Bill, Will, and Keyhole.

"I can't believe that stupid human took my title!" Anne shouted.
"Everyone doesn't fear you anymore because him." I said.
"I know and it's bullshit." Anne said.
"You're better off with what you have." Alex walked in.
"What do you want?" Anne said.
"You're playing with fire, you're just lighting it up some more. You'll never get that title back." Alex said.
"Why not?" Anne said.
"He probably did something to get it anyway." I said.
"He did nothing unlike you, you harmed people, you threaten them. Dipper was nice he was sweet, he was kind, he was smart enough to be him. You pretended to be all those things just to get that title." Alex said.
"What do you know! You don't know what's it's like to lose something like that." Anne said.
"I do! Before I ever came here I was just like you, a bitch that wanted power. When I came here everything was different, I wasn't feared anymore." Alex said.
"People still fear you." I said.
"No they don't, I've apologized and did everything I could to make up for what I did. I'm not feared, I'm just being treated to be a regular being." Alex said.
"Why do you still care about this?" I asked.
"Dipper is my friend, I don't like him anymore because I've learned to move on. You hurting him for such a stupid reason isn't the way to go. Think about it, what if someone did that to you?" Alex said looking at me and Anne.
"I'll fight back." Anne said.
"Same here, I'll something worse." I said.
"You can't keep fighting with fire, you'll get burnt. Dipper won't fight back like you." Alex said.
"He's weak." Anne said.
"He's not weak." Alex said.
"He is." I said.
"He saved your sorry little ass when that wolf came, he took a beating for everyone. You call that weak?" Alex said.
"So what? He played in his own field." Anne said.
"He's a human, he doesn't have our type of abilities. He can't do what we do or what they do." Alex said.
"So what?" Anne said.
"He's stronger than all of us, you two are weak." Alex said.
"Whatever Alex." Anne groaned.
"Just leave Alex." I said.
"I'm not going to let you mess up his life." Alex said.
"What are you going to do about it?" I said getting up.
"Everything because we all deserve to be happy, even a bastard like you and Anne." Alex said.
"I don't get why you still care about him? I'm surprised he even forgave you." Anne said.
"Who told you!" Alex said.
"We have our ways." I said.
"I was stupid and blind." Alex said.
"Still trying to protect even when he broke your heart." I said.
"Theirs supposed to be heartbreaks in life, that's just a part of life." Alex said.
"Then let Dipper face heart breaks." Anne said.
"Not in that way! It has to happen naturally, not being planned like this." Alex said.

Anne and I pushed Alex out of the room and closed the door.

"I feel like Alex knows something that we don't." I said.
"I don't get why he cares after their history." Anne said.
"The only clue I have is this confession letter for the only pianist in their group. He has a huge liking for the singer." I said.
"That's not good enough, what happens if he doesn't like him?" Anne said.
"But what if?" I said.
"You've been spying on him all day and you've gotten nothing." Anne said.
"The only sign of affection he gives is to his stupid dog!" I shouted.
"I just wish we knew someone that will tell us." Anne groaned.
"Anna and Aj know, but they refuse to tell me because I think Alex got to them first." I said.
"Those cunts." Anne said.
"I feel Alex knows and he's playing with his that he doesn't." I said.
"How do you know?" Anne asked me.
"I asked him and he kept changing the conversation." I said.
"I feel like you've messed something big." Anne said.
"I wasted basically everyday spying on him. I can't go through his dorm and find things." I said.
"We need to start this now, I can't wait any longer." Anne said.
"I need more time, I just can't blindly go in." I said.
"My power is already gone and my popularity is about to be gone too." Anne said.
"I don't understand why you can't help me with this?" I said.
"He knows how much I hate him, he's going to know something was up." Anne said.
"He's not, he's going to be too depressed about it." I said.
"He has friends! They all know how much I hate him as well, they're smart when they want to be." Anne said.
"They probably don't know about his feelings." I said.
"I've been watching one of his friends. Star knows about his love interest and she probably told someone about it." Anne said.
"So they won't find out." I said.
"She's smarter than she looks Felix, what if she told one of the more intelligent friends?" Anne said.
"The smartest people there is Lady Widow and William." I said.
"Still I don't want my tracks being left their." Anne said.
"Fine, but I can't go in blindly." I said.
"Who has he been staying close too? Who has he been with the most?" Anne asked me.
"The pianist, but that not enough." I said.
"It is for me." Anne said.

Anne told me that I need to hurry up because she fame was disappearing. I don't get why she can't do what she did last time.

Blackmail the guy with something. She pushed me out of the room and I groaned.

I hate her sometimes...

Third person

Felix walked around trying to figure out some type of plan. Felix had the confession note with him at all times.

He had that little note in his bag in a envelope. The envelope had something written in the back. Anne labeled it because they were probably going to do a set up.

Where it's left on his desk or in his room saying that it's from Bill. Then it ends up with Bill kissing someone else and Dipper getting upset and running away.

The old bit in movies.

"I don't know what to do." Felix groaned.

Felix didn't know about the label because he hasn't taken it out his bag for days.

Dipper was talking to Anna and Aj.

"Anna are you okay?" Dipper asked.
"No... " Anna said.
"Do I need to hurt someone because I will." Aj said.
"Please don't." Anna said.
"What's the matter." Dipper asked.
"I embarrassed myself in front of him." Anna said.
"Don't worry sis, it's gonna be alright." Aj said.
"Yeah! I embarrass myself in front of my crush too, it's a habit now... " Dipper said.
"Really? " Anna said.
"Yeah..." Dipper said.
"That made me feel better." Anna said.
"Everyone has this moment." Aj said.
"You've never liked anyone." Anna and Dipper said.
"I'm lucky." Aj said.
"You'll find someone." Dipper said.
"Probably someone just like you." Anna said.
"Tell me when you see them." Anna said.
"Sorry girls, I have to go." Dipper said.
"Bye Dipper."

Dipper raced away and while looking at his phone he bumped to Felix.

"S-Sorry Felix." Dipper said.
"Watch it next time."  Felix groaned.

Felix pushed Dipper and raced off as quick as he could. Dipper saw this envelope fall out of Felix's back.

He picked up and Felix was gone, Dipper didn't see where he went off too. Dipper saw writing on the piece of paper.

"To : Dipper, From : Bill.... " Dipper looked at it.
"T-This isn't his writing, what is he up too?" Dipper said.

Dipper opened it and was nervous about reading it. Dipper didn't take out the letter, he wanted to go to his dorm and read.

It wasn't sure if he was ready to read something that Felix had. He knew who much Anne and Felix hated him.

Dipper raced to his dorm instead of going to his other group of friends. He opened the door to his dorm and saw Night.

"I-I found something, but I'm afraid to open it." Dipper said.
"It was in Felix's backpack and..." Dipper held it.
"I don't know if I should open it." Dipper said.
"Ruff ruff?"
"I don't know, I'm just scared." Dipper confessed.
"I don't know Night, it came from his bag? Am I really going to open it? Anne and Felix hate me." Dipper said.
"I know she's up to something." Dipper said.
"This is her hand writing." Dipper said.
"Bark Bark?"
"I've noticed that Felix has been spying on me, he's bad at being quiet." Dipper said.
"I feel like this is a part of their plan." Dipper said.
"You think that it's already started and if I open this, this could be the final part?" Dipper worried.
"I don't have a good feeling about it." Dipper said.
"Bark bark."
"She's the only one that knows in our friend group.... " Dipper said.
"I'll text her then, she's the only that I trust with this secret." Dipper said.
"You wanna get her don't you." Dipper said.
"Alright, but make sure no one follows her." Dipper said.

Night went through his doggy door and raced over to Star. Night waiting for this.

Night knew everything about Stars and Will's plan. To help them get to get together.

That plan is beginning now.

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