They meet Mabel

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Pov Dipper

The next day was good for me, but I still have a fear that something might happen.

It's break and I sneaked into the woods. The students aren't allowed in the woods after dark or in general sometimes.

I'm sitting under a tree and looking at the surroundings. I hear a small cry coming from somewhere. I got up and started to head towards the sound.

It was pitch black with white dots on its face. It looked like it had freckles with it. It's left eye was a icey blue color while the right was a amber color. It was a shadow wolf, these aren't suppose to be out in the day.

It stepped closer and a trap was on its foot. The wounds looked recent, I placed my stuff down and went up to it.

"Don't worry little guy." I said.

I took off my sweater and ripped my sleeves. I have to ask Mabel to make me a sweater later.

I carefully took the the trap off and looked at the wound. It wasn't bad, but I need to clean it. I only have water, that won't clean the bacteria inside the wound.

Lady Widow showed me this plant that can help. What was it? It was- it was the leaf of a willow-sprout. I went deeper in the woods and found the leaf. I raced back and looked at the pup.

"Sorry if it stings." I said.

I pured water on the wound and wrapped the leaf around it. To make sure that the leaf wasn't going to come I tied the ripped sleeve on it.

"Bark bark." He cheerful said.
"Now go on, I have to go now." I said.

I started to walk away as it started to cry. I looked at it and he barked in joy. It wobbled to me and licked my shoe. I pet the back of his ear and he licked my finger.

"I'm sorry but I have to go."

I smiled at the pup and then raced off.
The bell rang and I was surprised that I was in the woods for two hours. It only felt like a few minutes.


Mr. Voice gave us an assignment that was due next week on Wednesday. It was a performance grade. We have to find someone to play the music, someone to design the outfit, and the chirography. Not that bad, right?

People wrote random songs and placed them in a hat. We used that method to pick a song. I hate my song because it's nothing like me. I'm a shy little boy doing a flirtatious song.

I'm screwed!


his song is the death of me and there's two versions of this song. The one from the actual artist and the one from the movie. These are two completely different things.

"Why don't you do right." This song was sang in the movie called Who framed Roger rabbit.

Mr. Voice didn't care because I'm suppose to get out of my comfort zone. Plus he said any song, I just hate life right now. I walk out of the class and go to the stage where we hang out in.

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