Chapter 4 |:| The pits

Start from the beginning

     I sat up in my berth sweat all over my body. I had been having these nightmare for years now. Some of them when Element and I left and some where either Element or I had been beaten and torture, I just wanted them to stop. I got out of my berth and and strolled over to my weapons rack, today I was fighting Fireblade, and I couldn't back out of this challenge. There was no way to stop this death match and a Fireblade knew it. I would have to kill him. Staring at the weapons I grabbed my dual-bladed spear and hooked it on my back, I couldn't keep my mind off that nightmare.

It was a few days before I had chosen to wear this mouthpiece to hide my emotions. I hated it sometimes but I knew it was for the best. I hated when someone knew how I felt. I hate the comfort I got from other bots. You could  call me cold-hearted, I knew I was most of the time. But I didn't think much of it, sire had made me like this. It was his fault I was a gladiator in this first place, I wanted to be a doctor like Element but, his needs came before mine. So I stole money for his schooling and helped him with homework when I could. I loved him to the bottom of my spark and was probably one of the only bots I will ever care for.

     After checking my blades were sharp and my armor was in top shape I headed out towards the ring. I wasn't looking forward to this not at all. Especially since I had to kill a newbie. Why are they so stupid, to think an inexperienced  bot would challenge a gladiator who's been at this for most of her life. 12 eons to be exact. Way longer than most bots.

The west gate was in sight, bots had crowded 'round to see Fireblade and I fight. I frowned under my mouthpiece, sometimes I hated myself for the job I chose. It ended up in death, and rarely life. Before I headed out to the ring I nodded to the messenger to tell the speaker I was ready for the fight. He ran off without a second thought. My servo reaches below my back and to the handle of my dual-bladed spear. Did I ever mention it was called Lunam? It means moonlit. I swung the blades off my back a swift motion causing the bots I front of me to turn and stare in shock. They made way for me to walk when my name was called.

 They made way for me to walk when my name was called

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^^ (This is Lunam) ^^

It was always satisfying to see other bots cower away in fear or shock, because I had earned my place. This place among the gladiators, where everyone respected you because of how well you fought. I loved the feeling of being in the field, but......I hated killing bots I knew didn't stand a chance. Though they were the rules, especially in a challenge, "Welcome! Bots of Kaon! Today we have speacial fight! A challenge!" The announcer said, I think it was Hydraclaw speaking today, "As our challenger we have Fireblade!" The crowds cheered and hollered for him as he walked into the ring. He put his hands up as if he had won. To bad I knew he would loose, "And as our challenged we have our third on the leaderboar! Nightrage!" The crowds went crazy. I could literally hear everyone in the crowds cheer for me as I walked into the ring, spear by my side.

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