They both turned toward Louis, who had stood up. 

"Why are you looking at me? I didn't call them." Louis furrowed his eyebrows. 

That's when Harry saw the outline of his mom's figure for the first time, still clutching the cell phone in her hand.

"Huh, weird," he said back to his friends. He didn't need to involve them in his deep family issues.


It had taken the police almost two hours to finish their questioning. By that time, it was past dinnertime, and Jaqueline had gone home. Louis let his mum know that he was alright, then decided to stay with Harry for the night.

"I ordered pizza, is that alright?" Harry's mother asked softly, almost like she was afraid of a reaction.

"Mom, that's perfect," Harry offered a small smile. 

"Look, Harry, I'm so sorry. I'm not asking you to forgive me, but please let me explain-" Harry cut her off with a massive hug. He wrapped his long arms around the woman, inhaling her scent. he hadn't seen her much lately, but she still seemed so familiar. It was almost like the same feeling of home that Louis gave him. 

"Of course, you can explain," Harry pulled away, smiling wearily. He pulled out a couple chairs, motioning for her to sit down with him.

She sighed. "He just told me that if I said anything, he would tell everyone that I cheated on him. And then he wouldn't let me see you. Whenever you were home, I had to either leave the house or stay locked away in my room."

"Then it wasn't your fault, mom. He was blackmailing you." Harry reached out and grabbed her hand. A tear ran down her cheek, landing on her jeans. It was hard for Harry to believe that this was the same woman who used to applaud his for sliding down the plastic slide at the playground. The same woman that used to be so happy.

"It was my fault though! I could've stopped it if I wasn't too scared." Harry's heart broke when he pulled her hand away from his and looked away. It was the same look that Louis held way too often. She was blaming herself. 

"Mom, let's not lay blame on anyone. Can we just be glad that this is over?" Harry frowned. His mun just sighed and walked away. 

Harry silently took four slices of pizza up to his room. Twenty minutes later, there were still three and a half slices. Neither he nor Louis had much of an appetite after the events of the day. 

Louis sat on Harry's bed, against the corner where two walls met. It wasn't even ten o'clock yet, but both boys were exhausted. 

"Do you want to take off the sweater?" Harry asked the boy.

"Not really."

"You're not hot?" Harry asked.

"I'm alright," 

"You look hot."

"Thanks," Louis joked.

"That's not what I meant, silly," Harry said, but he couldn't help but chuckle.

"You don't think I'm hot?" Louis pouted. 

"Of course you're hot," Harry smiled, climbing onto the bed beside Louis. The sheets rustled under him as he moved closer to the boy.

"Thanks, man," Louis stated sarcastically.

"Please just take off the sweater."

"Fine," Louis slipped both arms into the sweater and out of the sleeves before pulling the entire thing over his head. He immediately slid under the comforter, hiding his body that was exposed in the thin t-shirt he was wearing. 

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