Chapter 21: the finale of our love story

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"Janine! Michael! Stop running around." Alex yelled at our 4 year old blonde daughter running around with her twin brother. Together they made an evil match. Suddenly our 8 month baby, Marco, started crying.

"Ugh this is the last baby I'm popping out." I sighed struggling to get up from the couch to grab and breast feed Marco, holding onto my baby bum.

"Honey, thats what you said about our first kid, and then the one after that and the one after that...its cause I'm too irresistible for you, isn't it." He had an amused face.

"Wipe that grin of your face before I slap it off," I threatened with my eyes narrowed at him feeding our two year old daughter Layla.

"Your even cuter when you're pregnant and hungry." He tapped my nose and I bit his finger with my arms crossed.

"You're still feisty as ever."

"Dad! Alex keeps on stealing my makeup!" Raven, our 14 year old daughter called out from on top of the stairs. She was a beautiful annoying teenage girl with her dads hair, and my eyes.

We named our first two after us. Alex, our fifteen year old son who I was pregnant with while we were still engaged, was currently in his annoying big brother phase.

The one in my stomach was going to be a Margot.

"I'll go deal with them. You take care of these for now."

"God who knew having children's sucks this much ass," I groaned feeding Layla.

"Don't worry baby," Alex kisses the top of Layla's cheek. "Mommy's just going through her prego meanie face phase."

I stuck my middle finger at him making him smack it down. "Not in front of the kids babe," he whisper shouted making me laugh.

He was such a good dad. Who knew Alex, the school player of class of 2019, was good with kids.

Thank god Alex and his parents are rich, or we wouldn't have survived and fed all these babies.

We lived in a grand house, so the only ones who shared a room, were the twins.

Our babies would always have playdates with Luke and his husband's adopted kids, and Zayn and his girlfriend, Jenna's kids.

Its funny to think how this all happened by moving in with the player. I would've never guessed I would live happily with the schools player and are 300 babies together.

I wouldn't change a thing if I could.

And that is the last chapter of our complicated love story....


I probably would've never finished writing this book if it wasn't for my amazing best friend emilyberry15

Thanks for supporting me patiently this whole journey.

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