chapter 7: The kiss

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''Raven! I'm inviting some friends!''

Alex shouted from downstairs as I was trying to take a nap. ''You have friends?!'' I joked shouting back. ''You can join if you want.'' ''No thank you, I'd rather not have to look at humans.'' ''Whatever you say,'' he responded back finally shutting up.

About 30 minutes later his friends came and made a bunch of noise shouting at each other for killing the other in their game of Call Of Duty. I tried to ignore my hunger and go back to sleep, but it did not work.

Giving up I decided to fuck it and follow my dreams.

Not making an effort I left my pajama shorts and tank top without changing I went downstairs to be greeted with wolf whistles from Zayn. I just flipped him off in return. ''Someones grumpy,''

I devoured the greek yogurt I got from the market and replied, ''I'm grumpy because I have to look at Alex' face every day.''

Alex brought his hand to his heart pretending to be hurt. ''Ouch,''

oh shit!

Remember that time when I said I used to date this emo boy but our parents didn't let us be together because of our age and we ended up never seeing each other again?

Well, when I turned around I noticed HIM aka Cole. He still looked hotter than ever with his lip ring, and spiked hair. He noticed me too quickly tensing up.

''Raven you should definitely join us, we are going to the pool,'' Alex brought be out of my thoughts. ''Mmm, I don't think thats a good idea,'' I responded. ''Don't be a party pooper!'' Zayn said. I narrowed my eyes at him and mouthed 'don't to him.

''Me and bikinis don't do well.'' I made up an excuse even though it was completely made up. ''Theres extra bikinis in the closet where the towels are, go get one.'' ''Fine, but as long as you stop harassing me.'' I agreed thinking what could possibly happen.

I found A black bikini in the closet. This was probably from the girls that have been with Alex. I don't know why but that thought somehow bothered me.

I looked in the mirror still not proud of my look. I felt as if this bikini showed way too much of my pale skin.

Stop being a baby Raven and go out already, I said to myself and went outside where the boys were being stupid. I felt eyed by the boys, what a weird feeling. More god damn wolf whistles! Zayn and Alex were stupidly playing around leaving a very awkward Raven with a still hot Cole.

''Well this is awkward.'' I finally said stirring up a conversation. ''I haven't seen you in like 4 years and how do you manage to still look that good.'' He winked causing butterflies in my stomach. Did he just flirt? ''I beg to differ,'' I said still feeling insecure as ever. He frowned.

''You're a beautiful girl Raven, I don't know how you don't see it.'' ''Well anyway, how have you been?"I quickly changed the conversation. I couldn't help but flirt with him as he flirted with me, and his smile was adorable something different from Alex's smile. I noticed someones eyes pierce into my temple. What a surprise, Alex.

He stormed off for some unknown reason.

''Excuse me for a second, Alex is being a bipolar grouch.'' He chuckled as I walked off to look for him.

I found him in the woods still looking angry for whatever the fuck I did to him. ''T-there you, A-are.'' I panted. ''I've been looking everywhere for you.''

''Or were you too busy flirting with my friends?'' I low-key blushed because It was true. ''Why the hell do you care who I talk to?!'' at this point I was cornered by him and my wall was against the tree. ''Why?''

''Yes doofus thats literally what I just asked.''

''I'll tell you why,'' at this point he was just a few inches apart from me. ''Because you're mine.'' With that he closed the gap between us making the moment go from 10-100.

His lips collided with mine and for some unknown reason I didn't stop it. It was a passionate kiss but all I could think of was how no man owned me and I wasn't some prized possession you could easily win, Because than again I'm Hard To Get.

I was finally snapped out of reality when he pulled away and then again stormed off leaving me in shock.

Why are all guys Bipolar AF?

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