chapter 12: a certain graveyard

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"Ravennnnnn time to get up!" Alex pulled off the covers which made me fall off the bed."Its 1 am! what do you want?" "Its fucking 3P-M!"He yelled in a know it all voice. "What time did you get back last night?!"

"Like 2-3am." I shrugged walking over to the bathroom. "What the hell!" He yelled at me for no reason as I brushed my teeth. "I told you I was going to be back home late." "I didnt think you meant that late!" "Well now you do," he sighs. ""I was just worried about you."

"Don't be, you're not my boyfriend."

"Doesn't mean I can't worry. Whatever have it your way," I rolled my eyes as he left. His sudden urge to care alerts me.

Suddenly my phone beeped.

Cole: Morning sunshine ;)

Me: I dont really think 3pm is considered morning

Cole: I just woke up, and Im guessing u did too so works for me

Me: You guessed correct :)

I put my phone down, quickly replacing the wide smile on my face. I haven't been this happy since for ever.

I got ready for the day, putting on a cashmere sweater on to keep me warm from the chilly weather. I headed to my secret place, where I went to for years when I felt down, or needed inspiration.

It was a graveyard. I came here to communicate with the dead, and share my feelings out to my biological dead parents. I came several times a week usually after school, or on weekends.

I looked at the time on my phone only to notice 1 new message from Cole.

Cole: what u doing?

Me: enjoying the company of dead people

Cole: wanna grab a cup of coffee and get your mind of things?

Me: that sounds good right now

Cole: ill send u the address

We met up a bakery and talked about the graveyard. Ive never told anyone about it, I wanted to keep it my secret place.

"Well it was nice talking to you, but I gotta head out." He dismissed himself, leaving me to enjoy the serene scene from the environment of the bakery.

As I walked home I questioned how I felt about Cole.

Was he more than just a friend? Was it meant to be all along? Does he like me back?

Thoughts soon vanished from my mind as I drifted off into the realm of slumber.....

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