Reconnaissance Mission

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(Y/N): "How did you get your hands on one of these." I said as I inspect the rifle.

Morrison: "Had the UNSC drop one off early today for you. Anymore questions?"

Me and Ana: "No Sir."

Morrison: "A dropship will come in to pick you guys up in thirty minutes. Get ready to be top side and good luck out there."

Me and Ana headed to the armory to suit up. By the time I made it near the armory I heard a familiar female voice call my name behind me.

Hana: "Hey (Y/N)!" I turn around to see Hana with a worried look on her face.

(Y/N): "Oh, hey Hana." I wanted to wave but my two hands were holding the Sniper Rifle.

Hana: "I've been looking everywhere for you after breakfast."

(Y/N): "Did you check my room."

Hana: "First place I checked."

(Y/N): "Oh well I was at the mission briefing room with Ana."

Hana: "You got called on your first mission."

I nod my head in response

Hana: "That's great (Y/N). What is it?"

(Y/N): "I'm being sent on a reconnaissance mission to check on some suspicious activity down by a shipping dock."

Hana: "Oh so that's why your holding a sniper rifle."

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Hana: "Will you be able to join my night stream today, my fans have been wanting to see you back on it again?"

(Y/N): "Sadly no, I won't be back until four in the morning. But maybe next time."

Hana: "That's alright and good luck with the mission (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Thanks and good luck with your stream tonight Hana."

Hana: "Thanks and try not to get yourself in trouble, I'll won't be there to help you again."

(Y/N): "It won't happen again."

Hana: "Okay (Y/N)." Hana laughed and walked back to her room while I got to the armory to suit up in my Mjolnir Armor and to grab my M6H Magnum.

I walk outside to the landing zone where a dropship was assigned to pick me and Ana up. Ana was sitting on a crate next to the landing zone and I decided to join her and give her some company.

(Y/N): "How long have you been fighting Ana?"

Ana: "Most of my life, you?"

(Y/N): "I've been fighting since I was fourteen ma'am."

Ana: "Really that young?" Her hands froze and her eyes widen.

(Y/N): "Yes ma'am. All Spartans started to fight in this war at age fourteen."

Ana: "That explains why you're so young to be so lethal to the enemy. Guess Hana's not the only young fighter here. Hana hates it when she gets called a kid due to her young age. Sucks even worst when that kid ends up putting you into the dirt."

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