Withering Flowers. Chapter Fourteen.

Start from the beginning

Joel waves his hand around and leans into the chair. "I didn't mean it like that."

Mason scarfs down his second cup, Joel grabs the bottle to refill his cup for the third time. "I'm good."

"Come on Mason. Loosen up. Just one more."

"Fine, but only one."

A couple of hours fly by, Joel dances around the kitchen drinking the last of the alcohol bottle. "We are the champions, my friends. And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end!" He sings into a fork.

"Yeah I should have seen this coming." I sigh and wipe down the counters. I yank the bottle away from his hands and toss it into the trash. "Where did Mason go?" I inquire.

He shrugs and rips his shirt off, "Dance with me!"

"No, thanks."

"I won't take no for an answer." He flings his head back in laughter and grabs my hands. He spins me around and sways his body back and forth, while I stand here like a tree. He places his hands on my hips, "Loosen your hips up."

"Joel come on, I have work to do."

"Fine."He pouts, "Be a sour-puss."

I toss my hair over my shoulder and walk around the house, looking for Mason. I've never seen him drunk, so in all honesty, I have no idea what to expect. "Mason!" I shout. I walk back into the kitchen and glance out the back door. I spot a bush moving and walk over there. I look behind the bush and see him crouched down, wearing only his underwear and drinking water from the hose. "Oh gosh... Mason."

"Not now Jordyn."

"Mason, can you come out here please?"

He pokes his head out from behind the bush, "What?"

"Can you come out from behind the bush please?" He does as I ask, he grabs the bottle of rum and chugs half of it down. I go to grab the glass bottle but he holds it above his head. I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "Mason its cold outside, either put your clothes back on or go inside. He stumbles back, I grab his arm and straighten him. "Come on Mason! You don't need to get a cold. Please go inside."

He shakes his head and takes another sip from the bottle. I wrap my hands around the bottle and try to pull it away from him. He lets go, while I was using all my strength to pull it away I fall on my butt. "Ow..." I yelp, I push myself off the ground and empty the alcohol onto the ground. "I'm never going to drink." I walk back into the house and toss the glass into the trash. I look around the kitchen and see that Joel isn't in here. I roll my eyes, "You have got to be kidding me."I walk into the living room and see that he's passed out on the couch. "Now where the heck did Mason run off too?"

I walk down the hallway and glance into the bathroom and the office, hopefully he's passed out on the bed. I nudge the door open and see Mason's full bare butt. I shield my eyes and giggle, I can't help it. "Mason!" I exclaim holding my hands over my eyes.

"Yes Jordyn?" He purrs.

I grin and peek through my fingers, I keep my eyes on his face as he lays seductively on the bed. "Did you put clothes on?"

He shakes his head no and plasters a smirk on his face, he pats the bed in front of him. "Won't you join me?"

I shake my head violently and cover my eyes again. "No, no I will not. You're so weird!" I feel him grab my wrists and tear them away from my eyes, I look up at the ceiling. "Mason!" I giggle. "Stop it! Put some clothes on!" My cheeks feel like their on fire, I can't believe he just did that.

"You're so cute when you blush!" He gushes.


I grab Masons car keys out of the bowl by the door. I pull my jacket on over my cardigan and wrap my scarf around me. I can't believe I have to go to school. I place a bucket beside Mason and Joel, who are still passed out on the couch, hopefully their still alive. I quickly lay a blanket over both of them and walk out the door. I hop into the impala and twist the key, nothing. I groan and rub my face. I turn the key once more but still nothing. "Can anything go right?" I walk back into the house and toss the keys into the bowl, guess I'm walking. I sling my bag over my shoulder and start my way towards the high school, its on the way to the community college. At least it isn't that far.

Twenty minutes into the walk I wish I would have changed my shoes. I huff and place my hand on the strap of my bag. I glance at the high school as I walk by it. I see Sydney Brown outside of it, talking to a man who looks like he's in his thirties. I stop and stand behind a single tree, the man pulls an envelope out from the inside of his jacket, handing it to her. I sneakily get closer to hear what they're saying.

"Is it all there?" She questions, opening the envelope.

The man nods, "Yes, all five grand is there. Now, are we done here?"

She nods and shakes the man's hand, the corner of her lips lift into a smile. "Tell Ingrid if she ever needs anything to give me a call."

The man pulls a cigarette out of his pocket and lights it, inhaling the disgusting thing. "I will."

I take a step closer and snap a stick, crap! The man's head snaps in my direction, I immediately duck down behind a few tall withering hibiscus bushes.

"Did you hear that?" He inquires.

"Hear what?" She asks.

I hear footsteps slowly come closer, I place my hand over my mouth in an effort for him to not hear me breathe. Stupid Jordyn, I should have known this would happen with my luck. I place one hand on the ground to help balance myself.

"A few sticks snapped." He tells her. "I think it came from over here."

"Its probably just a squirrel. They like to throw acorns."She says matter of factly. "If you don't mind, I have some place to be."

"Go, I'm not keeping you here."

I hear her sling her purse over her shoulder and the padder of her footsteps fading farther away. I peek through the bush and see the man leaning against the building, still smoking. A few minutes pass, my legs start to ache a bit. I see him walk away and towards his car, once he gets in and drives away I hop up and brush my hands together. I jog over to the sidewalk and run into the road. A horn blares beside me and bright lights blind me, before I could move the car hits me, throwing me to the gravel. I groan in pain and hold my throbbing stomach.

I hear a car door creak open and see feet step in front of me. "Lady, are you okay?"

I place my hand in front of my eyes to try and make out the person, but its impossible with the lights. I feel hands grab my shoulders and lift me off the ground. I squint my eyes and look closer at the man, the man before me is the same one that was talking to Sydney Brown.



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Hello again! I'm so terribly sorry for how long it took to finish and post this chapter. Hopefully I can get a few more done to make it up to you guys. What did ya think of the chapter? I would really love to hear your thoughts. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read this, it's greatly appreciated! Please hit that star button if ya liked it! Have an awesome rest of your day/night, wherever you are in the world!

P.S. What do you think will happen next? And how do you feel about Sydney Brown?

P.P.S. What do you think of the cover above?

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