Chapter 25: Some Feeling Maybe?

Start from the beginning

“YOU HID THEM IN MY UNDERWEAR DRAWER?!?” Harry asked his face stretched in shock.

“Obviously I didn’t hide them well enough,” Carrie said promptly kissing him on the cheek before racing after her best friend. “Can’t you at least eat a vegetable first? I’m sure Lou has some carrots or something. Girls are always throwing them on stage!”

“I feel so violated,” Harry said with a snicker. “She could have at least hid them in your underwear drawer.”

“So you want your girlfriend digging through my underwear?” I asked chuckling as he followed me into the small kitchen. I rummaged in the cupboards searching for some popcorn. I was in for a movie night despite the fact that it was almost one in the morning. Tomorrow was our last day in LA before we headed out for the last week of the West coast tour. Then it would be back to just us lads on the bus together. Tomorrow was a free day so it didn’t matter how late we stayed up.

“I don’t want Care Bear anywhere near your underwear,” Harry replied. “I just think Ammie would have so much more fun rifling through your boxers.”

“Shut it,” I said sticking the popcorn in the microwave. I couldn’t help the smile that crept up on my face at the thought of Ammie being close to me. There was something about her. Something different. She was the only girl I never compared to Nora because there was just no comparison. It was like comparing elephants and oranges. It was impossible. I closed my eyes and thought back to the kiss I stole from her backstage. That kiss was….phenomiNIALL. I snickered to myself.

“Thinking about having little babies with Ammie?” Harry asked leaning his head on my shoulder. I turned my head to give him a dirty look. “You had that faraway look Liam gets when he’s thinking about Sammy.” I did?

“Harry?” I asked turning so we were facing each other. “How did you know that you wanted to date Carrie? I mean something compelled you to ask her out. Some feeling maybe?”

“I never asked her out,” Harry said after thinking thoughtfully for a minute. “It just kind of progressed naturally now that I think about it. One minute we are strangers, then enemies, then making out. And now we’re a couple.”

“You never asked her out?”

“What was the point? We already do the things that couples do.”

“But you announced it onstage! If you never asked her out then how did you even know you were dating?”

“I just did. Besides I only announced it onstage because I wanted everyone to know that Carrie was mine. I’m very territorial like a dog.”

“So you’re going to pee on her then?”

“Who is going to pee on who?” Carrie asked walking into the kitchen and immediately snuggling up to Harry.

“Apparently I’m peeing on you,” Harry replied casually. Carrie wrinkled her nose in disgust. “Not really babe. I was just explaining to Niall that I feel a little territorial towards you.”

“Hey!” I shot back. “You’re the one who compared it to being like a dog. I was just following the natural progression of the simile.”

“How about we just stop talking about peeing all together, okay?” Carrie suggested taking the bowl of warm popcorn from my hands. “Hopefully Ammie will eat some of this to balance out the cookies.”

“Didn’t catch her?” Harry asked.

“I caught her,” Carrie replied walking from the kitchen. “She just ate all of the cookies as she ran.” We laughed as Carrie went back to pop the DVD into the player. Harry and I followed, but he managed to stop me at the doorway.

“Niall,” Harry looking out at the girls. “If you keep waiting for some feeling you might miss the best chance of your life. Sometimes love isn’t a feeling or a moment. I love a good romantic comedy as much as the next person, but life doesn’t work like that. Most of the time what you thought was love was never it at all. Instead it sneaks up on you, and if you aren’t paying attention you might miss your chance.”

“Are you trying to become Zayn with all the deep thoughts there Harry?” I joked.

“No. I’m trying to get you to see that your chance is right there. Don’t wait so long that you can never have it back.” Then he walked into the living room to find out what movie they had chosen. I looked over at Ammie who was currently trying to convince Harry and Carrie that they should have a Harry Potter movie marathon. Her current argument went along the lines that they should watch it so Harry could appreciate a fellow Harry. I laughed hard and Ammie turned winking at me. I felt my heart skip a beat. Was Harry right? Was I not seeing the chance right in front of me? What was I waiting for? I had told Ammie that my heart was still healing, but was it ever broken in the first place?

I was still thinking about what Harry had said as I sat on the couch watching the movie with Ammie cuddled into my shoulder. Carrie and Harry had both fallen asleep about twenty minutes into the movie. Carrie was in his lap with her face nuzzled into his neck as he held her tightly.

“Hey Ammie?” I asked softly not wanting to wake the other two. “Are you still awake?”

“Mmmhmm,” she responded sleepily burrowing her head deeper into my shoulder. She gently placed an arm around my waist. “I’m awake.” I smirked since I could tell she was fading fast. Her fingers brushed against my waist as she clung tightly to me. This felt right. Maybe Harry was telling me the truth. I was missing the chance right in front of me. How could I be so stupid? It was different with Ammie. I never compared her to Nora not because she was so different, but because I knew no one could compare with her. She was perfect. What on Earth was I waiting for? This comfortable warmth was the love I had been waiting for the whole time.

“Ammie, would you go out with me?” I asked softly. The ten seconds I sat there were unbearable. Why was she hesitating? Did my kiss backstage repulse her? Was there someone else in her life? Did she not like my accent? I was broken from my thoughts by her gentle snores. She had fallen asleep. I should have realized it sooner. Oh well. I would ask her in the morning. I tugged her closer and soon found myself falling asleep with her in my arms. Perfect.

[AN: There is just no way I can write Ammie or Niall as anything other than cute. They are just teddy bear adorable together! That made more sense in my head. So what did you all think of Harry’s advice? Did you enjoy the chapter?]

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