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..the thought of me locking lips with somone never crossed my mind.

Or the whole boyfriend-girlfreind thing,but since im addicted to those cheesy movies and the so corny novels, I couldn't help it.

Would having a boy change my life cycle? My day's and week's, my mornings and nights?, I mean you don't know unless you try, those damn sparks, fire and the so called electricity they talk about when we touch or kiss, is it real?.

Well,I can't deny I also thought that I can live without a boyfriend, I don't need somone to walk me to my lockers,or to my next class,or hold hands in the hallway, im perfectly capable of doing this for myself.

And I mean I can survive without it,it's not like the end of the world or something.

But the thing is.

We all need it,we all need to feel it.

In my opinion there are three things you can't avoid in high school.

One: bullying,which is extremely difficult to avoid, bullying doesn't stop ever, it's everywhere and not only in schools,all you have to do is survive and stand up for what is right for you even if you stand alone.

Two:education, aka the massive amounts of projects,presentations and homeworks,which no offense we need.

Three: love and crushes and the amount of hot flirty school jocks.

So yeah, I never really got bullied,nor my marks were that bad,but I definitely got number three.

..January 21.2014(earlier/flashbacks)..

I spent a difficult sleepless night replaying the event's that had taken place in my room over and over in my mind. Conflicting the emotions swept through me, confusion,  excitement and nervousness.

But most of all, happiness.

After I had recognized that Adam kissed me, I haven't stoped blushing or touching my own lips the past few hours.

I cleared my throat and stood In front of my mirror and nearly squealed.

"jesus get over it it's not like you kissed Shawn mendes or something get over it." I slapped my right cheeks softly and shook my head at my sudden stupidity and dramatic effect, I so sounded like love sick puppy.

I really was disappointed a little, I didn't want to fall in love again,nor have a relationship.

But I know Adam is way different than him.

I nibbled at the piece of toast as I scrolled down through the instgram feed, beside me was a blabbering willow begging Aspen to join her shopping for those cute dresses which was on sales.

I never saw Adam since yesterday, for a moment I thought he didn't come to school but after I saw him coming out from the boy's bathroom clutching his chest tightly, we made eye contact for a second and he went on.

EVEN IF I DIE,IT'S YOU.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon