C H A P T E R 'O N E

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P. T.1

No actually i hate life.

If it makes it more fair in think fate is cruel.

It enters your life,your own room without knocking and does unexpected things,you may like those things,and just go with it you may be really lucky maybe you met you future husband or won a lottery ticket or you found out your refrigerator is full of food ,or you may hate,despise, unwelcome and hate those things by the depth of your heart.

It's simply like this,it's already written and will also already happen and you can't change that.

You either accept it even though you'll have too or you're gonna do something on it your gonna work on it achieve it,probably get from it something,you'll need faith,you'll need hope, you'll need determination,power,the will of god,the deep breath...but most importantly you'll need to feel safe,to feel warm,to feel the sparks you read about and waited to feel them...you need love.

I'm not a hopeless romantic, i had my love story, and i thank god everyday i got the ability of standing up everyday to see my love whispering nonetheless into my ears.

Im not a hopeless romantic but i know this, that everyone deserves love, it's fair and square, it's not that big thing it's not made of gold so you can buy it so you can afford it,but the container is made of gold,the one who holds the love for you or anyone else. I know that,that we want to feel the fireworks and sparks when we touch the one we are hopelessly looking for we want to, books have ruined us and i assure you that whoever wrote a romantic story,novel,poem etc, the amount of ink they spild on paper wasn't enough to explain the moment wasn't enough to explain the situation,the kiss or the hug or the action itself.

It was a sample,the heart,that bundle of nerves,has emotions that can't and cannot be explained by languages or talking, nonetheless it can't be gossiped, it can't be telled.

You feel it,only you and you'll never be able to explain half of the emotions,because they are meant to be felt only maybe god made it like this ave us the ability to feel it but not talk it,or maybe our heart feels selfish and doesn't wanna share.

But what i know is that love is all seeing and accepting, love is working through the painful times and the hard challenges love recognizes the fears and insecurities and knows how to deal with em,love accepts the flaws,bad habits and mannerisms and is working around them,they say love is blind,i disagree infatuation is blind love is all seeing and accepting it's just waiting for someone to capture it.

But mine was captured away from me.

Adam Hudson grey.

this is the boy i loved,a little bit messy,a little bit ruined,a beautiful disaster,a breathtaking hurricane that traps you in, a storm with a violent wind, and i wouldn't mind the risk.

My name is ellarosa Kingston,and I'm about to tell you how my love story ended, more specifically how adam grey life's ended...

January 4/2014 (Earlier/flashback )

"-i want to tell you that your brother is hot as fuck,i wouldn't mind banging him,i mean look at those emerald, between brackets swoon"i hear Aspens mimicking my girly voice as he reads, in my sleep.

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