"I N T R O"

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||A drop of ink may make a million think||
-Lord byron.

||Fill your paper with the breathing of your heart||
-William wordsworth


||~D E S C R I T I O N~||

"Do you regret it then?" I asked as I picked up my pace again.

"the what? The kiss you mean" he teased a little, I rolled my eyes and waited his answer, he kept his chin high and didn't answer my question.

"of course you did I mean you could've chosen any one else to kiss instead,this damn school is full of hot chicks that you can kiss and ignore there pretty caked up faces, I know it was sloppy and all but you really don't have the right to ignore me the whole damn day I couldn't sleep yesterday Adam it's so fucked up, I couldn't eat either, and you just left me hanging,do you realize how much frustrated I am?" I rambled out,breathing heavily.

He stopped and looked at me "if I really wanted to kiss anyone down there I would, but shit happens"he shrugged which made me more angry I stepped forward and poked his hard chest which only made my finger hurt a little.

"oh really shit happens,I'll tell you-" Adam leaned in his breath faning my cheeks and I automatically drop my hand.

"I choose you,and I'll choose you over and over those pretty caked up hot chicks, without pause,without a doubt and in a heartbeat ill keep choosing you,because God,I swear when our lips touched I tasted my next sixty years of my life " he caressed my cheeks and I leaned in for his touch,I shivered and looked up in his amber irises.


"does it need to be said"
"or to be felt"
"or to be shown"
My story doesn't talk about a good girl who's falling for a bad boy,who lits cigarettes continously, dyes himself with endless tattoos or rides a badass motorbike and lastly isn't a cocky troublemaker with his million dolar smile.

mine was deadly simple,it was easygoing,and perfect in it's way,it was all i wanted and i couldn't wish for more.

at first it came softly,brushing me with it's passion it is as simple and as complicated as that.

and in a split second, it dies,slips,flashes,runs to its grave and passes infront of my eyes.

Adam Hudson grey.

this is the boy i loved,a little bit messy,a little bit ruined,a beautiful disaster,a breathtaking hurricane that traps you in, a storm with a violent wind, and i wouldn't mind drowning.

My name is ellarosa Kingston,and I'm about to tell you how my love story ended, more specifically how adam grey life's ended...

||~D E D I C A T I O N~||


||To the one's had experienced death alive and are jut trying to survive.
"when there is hope,there is faith,where there is faith miracles happen"

||To the one's who's been bullied wanting/trying to just be themselves,stand up for what is right for you even if you stand alone.
"smile it intimidates those who wish to destroy you"

||And for the one's who's ashamed from their looks and needs self confidence, there is no competition because no one can be you,belive in it and never let insecurity run your life.
"you can admire someone else beauty but never ever question your own because a great figure or physical appearance is nice but its self confidence that makes someone really sexy"

||to the ones who suffered from diseases or experienced any kind of pain,it always gets better.

Repeat after me...

...My current situation isn't my final destination...

"you never walk alone"-BTS

||~E P I G R A P H~||

"Whoever is trying to bring you down, is already below you"

||~C O P Y R I G H T~||

©ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be reproduced,distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means.

©The characters and event's portrayed in this booknare fictitious, any similarities to real persons,living or dead is purely coincidentally and not intended by the author.

||~T I M E L I N E~||



||~W A R N I N G~||

...idiotic mistakes that'll make you face.palm or simply remove my story from your library.

...an author who's obsessed with k.pop and music.

...cussing/swearing. [i warned y'all].

...boy's so hot, perfect and romantic that simply doesn't exist in our life's :-(.

...a girl who eats 24/7 and simply weight 49 kg.

...violent content.

Etc ;-) (not wanting to be a spoiler) ;-)


©even if i die,it's you.2018.

EVEN IF I DIE,IT'S YOU.Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu