Chapter 9: The Party

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Katherine, Victoria and Mitch pull up in front of Hayley's house in Kat's car. Her 2-storey house seemed to be blasting with lights and music. It seemed like the whole of Hamilton Town High was here. Oh well, that was expected. Who would miss the school's Queen Bee's party, after all? It was considered a privilege just to get invited.

"What are we even doing here? We are late, by like an hour. The party is already on full-swing." Victoria turned to Kat from her shotgun seat.

"Relax, people come to parties late all the time. It's called being 'fashionably late'. Haven't you heard?"

"I still think this is a bad idea. We don't even have an invite. We should have just gone biking," groaned Mitch from the backseat.

"Please, this is a high school party. Not some kind of business event. Do you really think it matters if we have an invite or not? That was just for show," replied Kat.

"Agreed. But what are we going to do here? We would barely know anyone except for Andrew," says Victoria.

"We won't know who's here and who's not unless we go in. Come on."

All three of them get out of the car and walk towards the house. The porch was filled with red paper cups and thrash everywhere. A couple were eating each other's face as if there was no other food left in the world anymore. They were practically on top of each other.

Teenagers and their hormones.

There was a big, burly man standing outside the house, talking on the phone. He looked like a security guard.

"He's going to ask us for the invitation card to let us in," whispered Victoria.

"Just walk confidently and smile," was Kat's reply.

Listening to her advice, Victoria and Mitch walked on either side of Kat with their chins in the air and a big smile plastered on their face. As if this was something they do all the time.

Instead of being called on and being asked for the invite, as Vic and Mitch had expected, the man just shot them a quick smile and continued to observe the other people just pulling up to the scene.

"Okay, okay, go ahead and say I told you so," said Vic.

"I'm not going to say that." Kat was quiet for a moment before she added "But I did tell you so."

Mitch rolled his eyes while Vic just stared at her, making Kat laugh at her expression.

Just then, Andrew came out of the house with a cup in his hand. His face lit up when he saw all of them. "Hey, you guys came!"

"We told you we were coming, didn't we?"

"Yeah, but I had thought you guys would back out at the last minute. You know, since you guys aren't exactly fond of Hayley all that much."

"Well that's true. But we weren't going to miss what has the potential to be party of the year," said Victoria.

"Pfft, says the person who was reluctant up until a minute ago," snorted Katherine.

They proceeded in and the moment they stepped inside they were greeted by the throbbing music which made it's way to their chests. Wow, the music was really loud.

There were only three kind of people who were there and they were 1) drunk 2) making out to the point where it seemed like they were going to tear all their clothes off 3) the sensible people who were just talking and laughing.

Is that the only reason why people came to parties? To make out and get drunk? Unbelievable. Half of these people didn't even know each other. Whatever happened to getting together over dancing and music to actually get to know each other?

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