Chapter 3: History is such a bore... or is it?

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A/N: Hey, you amazing people. Sorry if the following chapter is a little draggy, it's mostly an introductory chapter for most of the main/supporting characters that you're going to see a lot in the future ;) Also, I LOVE LOVE LOOOOVE it when you guys comment on my story and let out your thoughts on a particular scene or character and try to communicate with me so pleeeeease comment. Pretty please? I hope you guys enjoy the next chapter :)

The rest of Katherine's first day had gone by quickly and smoothly. None of the other teachers had bothered asking her to introduce herself in front of the class, thank god. And she doubt that any of them were going to anymore. So that part was over. What a relief.

She hadn't had any more encounters with Dylan anymore since the first day, she wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. What if he was planning on something to take revenge on her? That seemed like a pretty Dylan thing to do, alright.

It was the end of the week now. She had been in this school for 4 whole days now and things actually weren't so bad. In fact, life was sort of great. She had managed to become friends with a guy called Andrew Miller in her AP Biology class who was her lab partner. He was some-what attractive with his chocolate-brown eyes and blonde hair that was came to his chin in a very sexy way, really smart and funny, she didn't know why he had even bothered to try and become friends with her. He seemed like the kind of guy who would be very popular, but apparently he wasn't. Instead of him, Dylan was the most popular guy. Katherine didn't know just how Dylan had managed to keep up his reputation from middle school till now. Andrew had girls running after him alright, they were always waiting for him outside class because they "needed help" or "needed to talk to him".

He had started sitting with Katherine and her friends at lunch since he hit it off so well with Katherine.

Cameron had been really friendly to her whole week as well, she was really warming up to him. He was a really nice guy. Things were starting to get less awkward between Cameron and Vic but the tension was still slightly there. Oh well, break-ups were never meant to be easy.

Victoria, Mitch, Cameron and Katherine were sitting around their usual table during lunch. After a while, Andrew came in the cafeteria and sat down next to Katherine with an excited look on his face.

"You guys will never believe what just happened! My hockey coach, Mr Blake, has suggested that we meet up during the weekends so that we can discuss my testimonial for college. He says that with my excellent hockey skills, I can easily get a place into any of the colleges with hockey as their strong program in this state."

"Woah bro, that's great!" congratulated Cameron. And then Mitch said, "I wish I could get a testimonial for my soccer skills, that would help a lot."

"Well, you could just talk to your coach about helping you with your testimonial, man, I'm sure he would help."

"Nah, I think I'm just going to wait till the soccer team captain tryouts. If I manage to become the captain, I'm automatically eligible for colleges with soccer as a program."

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