Chapter 6: Bad luck

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2 weeks later, it was time for the soccer tryouts for team captain. Coincidentally, it was also the time for the head cheerleader tryouts on the same day. Katherine, Victoria and Mitch were hanging around in the hallway.

"Okay, Vic, so you know what to do, right?" asked Katherine, nervously. She didn't want anything going wrong or they could get into trouble.

"Why do I have to be the one who does it?" whined Victoria.

"Because, Mitch and I have tryouts. You're the only one who has nothing on."

"If I get into detention, or worse, get suspended, you are to be blamed." Victoria pointed at Katherine.

"Oh c'mon, this isn't just about me. This will really help Mitch as well! Can't you do this for your two best friends?"

"Yeah I don't think this is exactly counted as a favour for me, it's really more of your revenge thing, Kat," interrupted Mitch.

Since when has "Kat" become a permanent name for me? Katherine thought to herself, but she didn't voice it out. "Whatever. It is going to help you too so shut up."

"Okay, the two of you just stop bickering, I'm doing it, alright? All I need is luck so that nobody catches me, you know, in the act," said Victoria.

"Nobody will, you're worrying for nothing. I'll signal you once the boys' locker room is empty, and then you can come in and do the job," reassured Mitch.

"Well, good luck to all of us, we are all going to need it, for whatever we are doing." All three of them got into a group hug, as cheesy as it is, and dispersed to their respective venues.


Mitch entered the boys' locker room and saw that only a few guys from hockey were there. They barely glanced at him and paid no attention to him. He silently thanked the fact that he had never been the sort to randomly pick up fights with hockey players, unlike most of the other dudes in the school who always got into unnecessary fights to show off their "macho-ness". If he had been those type, he would probably be earning really dirty looks from the hockey players who were in the room with him.

He quickly changed into his uniform for soccer and walked over to Dylan's locker, which was only 2 lockers away from his own. He used the tactic that he had learnt ever since middle school to pick at Dylan's locker, and successfully managed to get it open. He saw that his uniform for soccer was sitting right there, which meant that Dylan had yet to change and assemble.

While he was doing this, the other boys in the room left, leaving the locker room completely empty except for him. Perfect.

He walked out and gave Victoria, who was right outside the locker room, the signal. She straightened up and entered the room, as Mitch left to assemble at the field for his tryouts.

She followed the directions that Mitch had given her earlier and found Dylan's open locker door.

Please don't let anybody walk in, please don't let anybody walk in. she prayed in her mind.

She quickly took out Dylan's uniform and placed it in her school bag. She closed the locker shut and got out of the locker room, silently thanking that the hallway was mostly empty, since it was after school. Nobody stuck around much in a place that they couldn't wait to escape the whole day.

She walked over to the girls' washroom, and left his uniform in one of the cubicles. He wouldn't be able to guess it was here for a very long time.

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