Chapter 7: Out of your mind

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"I know you're the one who sabotaged my chances of becoming team captain." Katherine gave a little jump as she was looking through her locker for her Biology textbook and suddenly saw Dylan standing there, accusing her of something she had very much done.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She slammed her locker shut and quickly started walking away, hoping Dylan would go away.

But he wasn't going to stop anytime soon. He rushed to catch up with her and said, "There's no point lying to me. I know it was you."

That made Katherine stop in her tracks. "Fine. Congrats then, genius, you managed to figure it out!" she replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Technically you're wrong though, I'm not the one who actually physically sabotaged you."

"I don't care who was in your little plan together, you were the mastermind."

Katherine rolled her eyes and started walking again. Why wasn't the bell ringing already? Usually it rang faster than you could say row, row, row your boat.

"I just want to let you know that I'm not mad at you."

That made Katherine stop in her tracks, yet again. He wasn't mad at her? "You're not?"

"Nu-uh." He shook his head. "However, I do believe that you owe me one now. You know, for the sabotage."

Katherine had to let out a laugh at that one. "Okay, listen up here, asshole. This is me returning your favour. You know, the favour called you being a total jerk to me in middle school."

Dylan let out a defeated sigh. Not something you would hear from him often, admittedly. "I told you, I'm sorry about that. Katherine, people change. Not just physically, like you did, but mentally and emotionally as well. You have to believe that I'm not the same person I was four years back."

Katherine couldn't believe her ears. He was trying to apologize? "Save it, Dylan. If you keep using them like that then soon you're going to run out of excuses to give to other people."

Katherine started walking again but Dylan held her back by holding her arm. "I want you to go out with me on Sunday," he stated bluntly, like it was no big deal.

What. The. Hell?

Did she even hear him right? She removed his hand away from her arm, not too kindly, and stared at him in disbelief. She continued staring until Dylan broke the silence by asking her what's the matter.

"I'm just waiting for you to correct yourself because I don't think you said what you actually wanted to say."

"I said exactly, what I wanted to say, Katherine. I want you to go out with me on Sunday."

"Are you out of your goddamn mind?! There's no way that's happening!"

Dylan let out a chuckle at that. "You know, one day you're going to agree to going out with me. Willingly."

"Over my dead body," she scoffed.

"Wanna bet? 5 bucks?"

"Is that seriously the best you can do? Why, afraid of losing? I say 20 bucks."

Dylan started laughing at that which just made Katherine feel even more annoyed. What part of what she had said did he find funny? She sure as hell wasn't joking about any of it.

"Why do you want to go out with me on Sunday anyway? Don't you have plans of sucking up to Hayley?"

Dylan raised an eyebrow perfectly. This sparked a flame of jealousy in Katherine, she had always envied people who could do that. She had spent hours in her room before in front of the mirror, trying to raise an eyebrow but she just couldn't. "Would you care to enlighten why I will be 'sucking up to her' as you put it?"

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