Hello Again Mr Asshole

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Chapter 1

"Thank God she's leaving."

"She was too fat for this place anyway."

"Ew, I can't even stand looking at someone as unattractive as her."

"What a loser."

"Do you think maybe she's leaving for the fat and ugly camp?" The people behind her laughed. Each laughter was like a stab to Katherine Montgomery's heart.

She could hear snickers and whispers about her everywhere as she cleared her locker, with tears threatening to spill over any moment now.

What had she ever done to them? She had no idea why all these people were out to get her.

"Well, well, well, look who's leaving. Aw, I'm gonna miss you sooooo bad, Fatty Kathy," comment Dylan as he pulled at her cheeks. Kathy tried to get away but he was way too strong for her. Luckily, at that moment, Victoria appeared.

"Keep your hands off her jackass!"

Victoria Hastings was Kathy's best friend in the whole wide universe. They had bonded way back in kindergarten when Victoria had nothing to eat during break-time and Kathy had offered her some of her own cookies, shyly, After that, they had automatically clicked realizing that there weren't any 2 other best friends made for each other just like they were.

Dylan had already backed off. Victoria was one of the strongest girls ever, she was stronger than half the boys in Hamilton Middle School. She had taken up an interest in sports at a very young age which explained her lean and muscular-female body frame. She looked very mature for a 14-year-old and nobody liked messing with her.

"Thanks," Kathy whispered under her breath.

"It's no problem, jerks like him deserved to get yelled at every single day," retorted Victoria, not bothering to keep her voice down.

Dylan rolled his eyes. "Say whatever you want, it doesn't matter. You can't rain on my good mood today. Your elephant lookalike best friend leaving this state is the best thing that ever happened to me. Hell, it's the best thing that has happened to this school."

All of Dylan's "squad" who were standing behind him started to laugh. They continued laughing and high-fiving each other like typical teenage boys as they walked away from Kathy and Victoria

"Ugh, dumb-asses," said Victoria in disgust. She turned around to look at Kathy. "Hey, c'mon, don't cry over them. That's exactly what they want, for their words to affect you," Victoria said softly. She sighed at the sight of Kathy's tear-stained face. "We need to get you out of here. Let's go."


They arrived to Kathy's house over an hour later. Mitch was already at her porch, clearly waiting for them.

"Where were you guys? I have been waiting here for a solid hour!"

"I don't want to talk about it," stated Kathy as she marched past Mitch, into the house.

Mitch turned to Victoria with his arms crossed and a you-better-tell-me-what-that-was-about face. Victoria answered Mitch in a low voice. "Look, she was getting bullied again, alright? I had to fend Dylan off her back and she was feeling really screwed up and insecure so we went to get a cup of coffee to calm her down. Now don't go around making a big deal about it."

"Well you could have just texted me instead of making me wait like a fool. The neighbour kept asking me if I wanted a blanket to sleep on because she clearly thought I was some homeless kid, randomly going around sitting on people's porch, hoping they would show some pity on me."

Hello Again, Mr AssholeWhere stories live. Discover now