Chapter 26: Oops...

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🎶the sun goes down, the stars come out. And all That counts, is here and now🎶

Chapter 26


I had to tell her. I couldn't take it. I ran back out of my house, leaving Gemma confused in the kitchen. I wanted her...I wanted Brooke. I ran up to her house, running to her door. There she was, running out her door, brushing her hair away from her flawless face. As was normal when I saw her, my heart skipped a beat and my breath caught in my chest. "thank you again. I love you!" brooke called out behind her into the house. I immediately froze, as she bumped into me. She...she loves someone. It's probably another guy. That's why...that's why she won't let me be her boyfriend. Ignoring her altogether, I walked into her house. I know it was wrong, but I needed to see who she was saying she loved. I couldnt sleep if I knew it was just her mom and id jumped to conclusions. There, sitting on the couch in her living room, was another Guy. He had sandy blonde hair, kinda like Brooke's, and piercing blue eyes. I was right. She did like another guy. She didn't just like him...she loved him. A wave of jealousy crashed over me. I wanted Brooke, so badly, more badly than anything or anyone I've ever wanted before. "Listen, you know how lucky you are to have Brooke? She's perfect. You better treat her like a princess, because if you don't I'll come here and smash your face in. She's beautiful, amazing, perfect. You better not lay a hand on her unless she wants you to, okay? You couldn't ask for anyone better. So don't break her heart, or I'll break you." I steamed at the dude, who just looked at me in surprise. His jaw dropped at my speech. After 5 seconds of me giving a death glare, he burst out laughing. I stood there, completely confused. "What?" I asked, spinning around to face Brooke who was stifling a giggle too. She was blushing hardcore. "That's my brother...not my boyfriend." she explained, to my horror. "oh my god...I'm so sorry." I mumbled, burying my face in my hands in mortification. Crap. "It's fine. Brooke, I approve. I like this guy." the dude told Brooke.

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