Chapter 23: Denied.

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🎶This is a part of me, that your never gonna ever take away from me...🎶

Chapter 23


the moment his lips connected with mine, I felt fireworks. Butterflies flew around my stomach, sending goosebumps to my arms. I smiled into the kiss, my hand on his chest as I felt his heartbeat quicken. He pulled away, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, his lips inches from mine. "Brooke...will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, his eyes filled with worry. I froze. Seriously? He could have any girl in the world...but he chose me? I'm not good enough. I stumbled for words, but non arose. The ride was almost over, so I kept the awkward silence long enough so we could exit the ride. "Brooke?" Harry asked again, his expression pure franticness. "I...I'm so sorry. I can't, Harry." I refused to look up at him, swiping a tear from my eye. "What? W-why not?" Harry's voice wavered. "There's so many more girls...I'm not good enough." I protested. I turned to walk away, but Harry's hands wrapped around me and pulled me into a hug. "No one is as perfect as you...but if you don't like me, that's...that's fine. Can I just kiss you, one more time?" he pleaded, staring into my eyes, struggling to form words. I hesitated, but Harry had already leaned forward and kissed me. I was mesmerized, I couldn't help but kiss back. I pulled away, and gave him a sad, fake smile. "Thank you so much Harry." I said, running off. I couldn't bear it...I love him.

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