hmm, this one is too white...

this one is not white enough!

oh that one looks nice, but this white doesn't match my hair color.

this one doesn't match my mood today.

that one is not even white!

aaahhh! here is the perfect one!

after his long decision on what shirt to wear, he put on some jeans and a leather jacket. running a hand through his hair, he grabbed his phone and house keys and went out the door.

arriving at the medical center, jungkook knocked on an already familiar door and came in.

"oh why hello there jungkook!"

"hello mr. kang!"

they greeted each other with a handshake and the doctor gestured him to sit down.

"why did you come for a visit?"

"it's about my memory."

jungkook went to many doctors hoping to get help of regaining his memory. this one in particular, felt more like a friend than a doctor. he always supported jungkook and believed, unlike every other doctor, that his memory will come back.

"oh this has to be interesting. let me take my notebook."

mr. kang opened a drawer taking out a red notebook and clicking open a pen.

"i've met a guy that turns out was my boyfriend!"

"hmm, are you sure about this? you know how people can lie since you don't remember."

"yes, i am aware. but he really was my boyfriend. he convinced me and told the story of how we met. he cried when he found out i don't remember out relationship and even showed photos of us."

"well photos are definitely a good proof."

"and i think i got a glimpse of a memory of us..."

"are you sure?"

"yes, when he showed a picture from my birthday party, my head started to ache a lot and i got a blurry image from that party. it wasn't much but i definitely saw the both of us surrounded by a large crowd with loud music playing in the background."

the doctor was vigorously writing everything down and after finishing, smiled at jungkook.

"this is great news! you see, when you saw those pictures, it triggered a part of your memory. if you continue seeing more pictures or hearing phrases from your past, your memory might come back fully!"

jungkook smiled brightly and hugged mr. kang.

after thanking and saying good bye he ran to his house and started dancing to some music.

he was so happy taehyung found him and thanks to him, his memory might come back. he thought that spending more time with taehyung should really help. jungkook was happy he decided to be friends with him all over again.

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