Chapter 16

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      Leo kept her still close as he felt himself close to cumming as he got her to move more faster making him moan on a low panting tone. " Shadow... I'm going to cum..."
     She got her legs around him so he would not push her away as she kissed his neck panting hard from him still thrusting inside her. " Cum... "
    Leo got himself hard against her as he then trusted one more time and came in her as he lets out a hard breath from holding it in. He loosened his hold from her as he still used his hands to support Shadow.
    He got her slowly up and his member out to lay her down on his jacket while he placed himself to her back against her with his arm over her keeping her close as they both panted there with their eyes closed slowly falling to sleep.
    But while they laid there cuddling with a smile Lee grunts mad as he yells while that still didn't get Leo's attention at the lest. " This... Is... BULL SHIT! I WANT SOME FUN TOO... God Darn it..."

~ ~ ~
    The morning was starting to start as Leo opened his eyes seeing Shadow there on the ground sleeping by him still as he smiled and was about to get a hand to her hair but Lee yelled making Leo jump hard and moved his hand away as that almost made Shadow wake up. " Leo!"
    ' What Lee! You trying to get me to wake Shadow up!' Leo said in his thoughts as he knew Lee would be in there listening to him. " Yeah well, you might want her too! As you where eye googling her I saw a man crouched down somewhere behind Shadow..."
      " What?" Leo stood up looking around as he got on his feet. He looked around not seeing anything as he looked to Shadow and didn't want to chance it so he went over. " Shadow we need to go..."
     She moaned and opened her eyes looking at Leo as she said. " are zombies coming?"
    " I'm not sure... But Lee said he saw someone crouch down... I don't want to chance it so get dressed while I look around to make sure. " Shadow started to get up and grab her clothes to put them on as Leo grabbed his katana and walked off to see if he could find the person or a footprint around.
    Shadow was getting dressed as she heard as if someone was at the bushes while she got her bra, net shirt, and her red shirt on as she turned to see if it was just an animal. But she quickly gasped when a hand went to her mouth as she tried to pull the person off her as she could see from the hand it was not Leo's big green hands.
    She trod to scream to get the help but the hands would not let her yelling out as she felt she was getting dragged somewhere as she closed her eyes trying to get free. Till she felt that they stopped and hear the person yell. " You like killing mutate! "
       She opened her eyes and saw Leo turning around as she could see he was not too happy and scared. " Let her go... "
      She tried to get free mumbling something but the person had his grip on her too tightly as the man said. " No. You seemed to be having fun last night so we thought maybe we could too." 
    Shadows widened her eyes trying to struggle some more as she started to feel scared not wanting to have this man get his way with her as she heard Leo starting to run at them. But once she looked at him with her eyes she tries to yells again in the hand as two other men came and waked Leo in the back of the head making him bleed and falling to the ground. ' Leo!'
    She had tears falling as she tried to get free as the two other men looked at her with the disgusting face of what they were going to do. She started to panic as her legs started to shake as she leaned her face away from their touches as she felt one hand going to her thighs and to start rubbing her.
     But then she opened her eyes showing small tears as she and the men looked over as Leo's body as it was getting up as well as chuckling. ' Lee?'
    The body stood up and smirked as if he was in a very pissed off mood while his eyes showed red. But as she saw Lee's eyes they looked more red as he instantly ran very fast as he kicked and punched the two men away and grabbed the mans small knife to his side and stabbed the man right in the forehead so fast she felt it was not even a second when she was free.
    She looked at Lee as she for some reason felt scared as he came and grabbed her as she was about to fall. But as he got her back to their little camping area he got her back to the floor and instantly leaned down and kissed Shadow.
    She widened her eyes pushing Lee off as she saw him looking so demanding as she loosened her arms as he said to her panting as he rubbed himself. " Know its Leo's turn to watch."
     She shook her head and tried to get him to stop but his member was already out as he grabbed her legs and opened them with ease as she yelled: " Lee stop please!"
    He didn't listen as he was about thrust right in her but he grunted hard as Shadow looked up seeing Leo open his blue eyes making Shadow cry and got her arms around his neck. Leo took a second and hugged her back as he felt her shaking as he rubbed her back. ' Dammit Lee...'
    " Shut up Leo... If you were the one watching while I was the one fucking her you would want to do it too!" Lee yelled as Leo probably knew that Lee was right. But he would not have forced himself on her as he kissed her cheek gently. " I'm sorry Shadow..."

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