Chapter 18

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    Lee was picking on Leo the whole three days while they three were soon to a small rebuilt town. " I love you Shadow... please don't leave me or I will get depressed..."
    Leo grunted with his eyes closed while Shadow was walking a little ahead. ' Lee shut up...'
    " Oh come on Leo you sounded like a sissy. I can see it know Leo's true love dies and Leo becomes a depressed emotionless mutant that kills for no remorse."
     Leo had a confused looked and said out. " What?"
  Shadow stopped and looked at Leo as Leo stopped while he looking at the sky a little. " You have to admit it Leo the longer she stays with us the more you fall in love... You have to get this girl away from us and mostly you..."
     " I think your just jealous because you didn't get the chance to sleep with her..." Lee blushed and tried to laugh. " Hahaha wow, Leo you think I would -"
     " Yes, I do..." Shadow looked away as she tried to ignore Leo and Lee talking almost like they were talking to themselves. She was getting at a tree and was thinking as she knew it was crazy but if she thought it right it would not be cheating. ' Leo and lee have the same body... And Leo could take control if he really focused hard enough... So if I sleep with Lee then it would make him probably shut up...'
    She then looked at them as she noticed then that they were gone. " Leo? Lee?"
    She didn't hear or say a thing as she went to where they were standing. She didn't see anything still when then a storm was coming while she looked up seeing the gray clouds. " Alright, you guys... We all know you get sick easily in rain!"
    Still, nothing as she looked over at the town and went to go over to the town when she then felt the rain as she stood and looked more around. ' Leo where are you!'
    She signed and went to the town as she would see if there was a place they two could sleep. She wanted to get a room ready for Leo but she soon stopped running and saw the place as well as there was nothing but mutants around. ' oh no... This is a mutant town... Humans are not usually welcomed if trailing alone or with other humans... Leo, you would be a big help by know...'
    So she took in a breath and started to walk in as she held her hands into fists. She never really went to a mutant town alone as she was told by her teacher that thought her how to fight years ago that female humans would be used to please the males.
    But Shadow had to keep her full guard up and walk like she was not scared while her two katana would move slightly from them being around her hips. She would notice all the mutants around looking at her passing by as she also looked for a place.
     She felt that even if she did they would not loan her a room when she then looked over as she saw as if Leo was in the woods. He was walking around in his unusual way while she went over and tried to get to Leo fast as she yelled. " Leo!"
    It looked like he didn't even hear her as he was not that far from her so as she got in the woods and started to him she saw him turn around making her stop in her takes as she saw his eyes. They were not blue like she would always see or even the color red as they looked this time gray.
    She backed up looking at Leo while he turned to her in a very weird way making her say scared. " Leonardo..."
    He didn't answer to her the way she expected as she then grabbed her katana handles but didn't pull them out yet as Leo made like what the undead did. Shadows hands shake as she said again this time tears starting to fall. " If this is a trick Leo you got me okay... Lee... Please..."
      Still, no change at this time Leo ran super fast at her as she backed up fast and got one katana out as they both fell to the ground and Leo had his teeth on the katana blade. Leo made a slight grudging dead noise while he was squirming about with Shadow under him as he was trying to bite her. " Leo snap out of this!"
     Leo still didn't do anything out of the ordinary as then a gunshot was heard and Leo's right shoulder got shot making him fall to the side so Shadow got up and got between Leo and the shooter. " No!"
     She saw it was some of the mutants from the town as one that looked like a mutant snake slithered over. "He is one of the zombies he has to die or he will infect us all!"
      " He is not a zombie! He is ill! I was trying to look for a place for us to stay so he can get better..." Shadow said worried as she heard Leo then grunt in pain sitting up holding his arm. ' thank god...'
     " What are you to this mutant! You don't dress like he owns you!" one other mutant said as she said blushing. " He is my boyfriend..."
     Leo looked up at her with wide eyes as the mutants started talking. She looked at Leo and smiled at him. "I have been wanting us to be a couple, Leonardo... Even before we first met..."
     Leo looked to her not knowing what to say as the mutants said. " He can stay in the inn... But you will have to find another place out of town... We don't want any stinking humans here."
     Leo was about to get up to argue but Shadow helped him and said. " It's okay Leo... You need the rest more than me."
     Leo grabbed her arm hard as she looked up as he had them two very close together. " I'm not leaving you out here alone with the dead Shadow..."
      She smiled at him as she got her free hand to his face and said low. " Leo I will be fine... But you... You have been in the rain and we both know you will get sick."
     Leo grunted and slowly lets her go. " Meet me at the exit tomorrow morning..." Shadow nods as she watches Leo and the other mutants leave her while she stood there till she was alone and then shakes at what just happened with Leo. ' Is Leo running out of time?'

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