Chapter 2

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Leo grunted and felt as if his whole body was not right as if he was in some water. So he slowly opened his eyes and let his eyes adjust as he saw he was in what looked like a very old rusted lab.
His eyes widened and he got a hand on the glass as he instantly saw his hands were small like a kids hand. He removed his hand from the glass and looked at both his hands getting confused at what was going on.
He looked around and tried to get out as he grabbed the breather from his mouth and pulled it away as he looked up and then around holding his breath.
He could not find a way out so he turned his back hard shell as he pushed himself to the glass as it broke easily while he and the water came out making him land on the ground. Leo coughed a few times and looked around as he slowly stood up and looked at the place as he could see it was not used in years.
Leo walked slowly around as he saw then that there was a whole bunch of turtles dead all over the place. He backed up two steps as he breathed hard as he also noticed they all looked like him. " What the hell happened here..."
Leo then ran over to the doors and tried to open them but to no prevail until he got to a door that was broken that he could crawl out of. So he went over and crawled out and saw an empty hall.
He got back up and walked looking around confused and know worried as there was blood on the floors and walls. He was not sure if he really had that family or if he was even mutated from a normal turtle like the memories he had.
He stopped and saw a door that said exit as he knew that this was the exit of the building but at the same time he was worried about what was out there. Leo stood there looking at the door as he just stood there not knowing what to do or if he even had his fighting skills or not.
A loud bang happened as Leo lost his footing and fell to the ground as he looked over to where the explosion came from as it looked like a figure was running his way in a very unsettling sound. So Leo got up fast and ran to the door opening it as he closed it fast having his back against the door.
Leo breathed hard trying to catch his breath as he soon then opened his eyes but to gasp looking at what looked like new york city but destroyed. He got his back shell of the door and walked a few feet to what he was seeing shocked but also terrified at what he was seeing. " what..."
Then the door opened as he turned to see a human but as if it was dead but still up like a zombie in the movies his brother Mikey would watch. He backed up looking at the dead human as it got closer to Leo as he was feeling his head hurting as he grabbed it and went to his knees.
Leo grunted for how fast the pain was getting to his head until he then felt as if he passed out and was in the black. He opened his eyes seeing he was not in a place as he was floating as it looked like he was in some place dark.
But he soon then felt the pain come to his head as he grabbed it and looked behind himself as he saw the view his eyes were giving seeing the human on the ground not moving as blood was in his hands.
Leo wanted to move his hands to his face to see the blood closer but it was not listening as he then heard himself talk in a way he never talked before. " ha stupid human! Don't mess with me!"
He then turned and got his arms out as he said. " Finally I'm free! Free to kill as I please!"
" No! You can't!" Leo yelled as the one talking asked him. "You're still alive? Haha of course. Well, then it's your lucky day. " Leo was so confused but then felt the pain to his head and came back to his body to control it as he looked at his bloody hands and heard the other side of him talk. ' so know we are out this will be fun knowing when you die I will get to control your stupid body.'
Leo looked around and said scared. " where is my family? And what happened to this world?"
" isn't it obvious. Someone, more than likely tried to do life experiments and failed. " Leo's other half said while Leo then sat down and rubbed his hand on his head forgetting about the blood. " Then where is my family? Out there where all the killing is?"
It was silent till then Leo grunted feeling his whole body get in pain as he got his arms around himself and hearing his other crazy killer side talk to him. " wow that's new... You're getting a few inches taller. "
When the pain stopped Leo looked at himself and saw that he was right and he was taller then he was when he was woken up. " how? I didn't grow this fast before when I was this little..."
" well, you were in a lab maybe you are different and is growing faster than normal." Leo signed and tried to think of everything that is happening and what he will have to do to find his family. If they are even alive in this crazy new world before Leo's eyes.

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