Chapter 24

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               Three year's later

      Leo was walking just on a bridges that was reboot a few years ago as he he held his bag with items in it as he had a long straw Japan hat on as he was looking down to the ground. Others were seeing him walking over to them as they where hanging out there.
    Once came off the railing of the bridge and stood there in front of Leo as he crossed his arms as leo stopped walking knowing what they where wanting. " What you got in that bag turtle?"
    Leo at first didn't way a thing as he looked up showing his blue eyes to them. " noththing of value to you theaves. "
    One got mad as the one infront of Leo went to grab the bag but Leo grabbed the mans wrist hard and twisted it. Thean tells while the two in the back took a few steps back as low looked at them while he still held that one mamds wrist as Leo got him on his knees. " You want some as well!"
    They looked at each other as they ran off as the one on his knees yelled. " Cowards!"
      " you should have done what your friends just did. " Leo then started bending theans arm as he yelled looking up at low as she saw what was on his neck. " is that a neck chockle?"
    Leo sharpend his eyes as it instantly went to one blue eye and the other side red as the man looked scared. Leo them got his foot on his back and pushed him forward fast making his arms dislocated.
     The man went to the ground holding his now hurting arm as he looked then to leo as he tried to back up while Leo spoke. " your not with my time."
    He watched Leo walk off as Leo capmed down and his eye turned back to both blue as he got his hanf on his neck chockle looking back down. ' Some day I will pass and I will not hesitate to be reunited with you again Shadow... So please be patient and hood your feelings of me strong like I feel strong to you.'

                          The end

                      Ending music

Leo's Rebirth ~* COMPLETED*~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें