Chapter 21

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     Lee got to the bottom of the hill but he also tripped and fall to the ground rolling a few time before he stopped laying there breathing hard from the running as he was on his plastron. " Leo... Wake...up..."
    He opened his eyes and saw the Leo chasing him as he stopped and smirked as he got his sword to his own should while Lee tried to stand with his arms and legs shaking from the running feeling exhausted. "You are all alone now my friend. "
    " I'm not your friend..." Lee said mad while he looking to him as if not wanting to movie know as he got even closer Lee saw the cut marks at the ends of his lips as it did look like he got cut open there. " we all are. After all, we are all Donatello's creation."

~ ~ ~
    Lee got his back shell hit the rock wall hard as he landed to his feet painting hard as it showed cuts on his legs thoughts hips and arms as Leo walked over with tye said know covered in his blood. " Just let me kill you. You know you will die since your weak self is gone. "
    Lee planted hard wanting to give up as his whole body felt sore and pain. " shut up you freak... You lost your mind being alone for a long time!"
    Leo dropped his sword and grabbed Lee's long jacket as they looked eye to eye at each other. " I did not lose my mind. I got sent free. Just like you will in a little... But you know why your Leo has not answered? It's because you then get week then you will turn like those other clones that eat the human's flesh. "
     Lee was not sure if he could believe this cloned mutant or just try to attack as he saw that just trying to run off was not working. Then all of a sudden he thought of Shadow as he remembered the way she would walk and talk but even the time Leo and she had sex as Lee then signed and punched Leo in the face hard as he falls back down with Leo also falling to his back shell. " Just shut up! Leo will wake up... And we both will kick your ass!"
    Leo in front if Lee just looked to him with his same look. " We will see about that. "

~ ~ ~
    Shadow ran on trying to still find Leo or Lee as she had to stop and breathe hard getting to her knees and her hands looking t the ground as she looked at the katana she put in her hand. " you need me, Leo... Sensei told me that..."
   She clenched her hand on the katana's sheath as she looked up seeing a hill coming up ahead of her as she got back up and started running again hoping to see them on tye another side at least. She would run over and up the hill as she would slide a few times as it felt like this hill was not very unstable for her but she still went up till she got t the top and looked down seeing as she had her eyes widen sending what looked like two Leo's fighting. " what?"
    She got a little up and saw one was getting very badly hurt and cut up while the two were sitting on the ground after the one with the cuts hit tye one with the sword. He was breathing hard but as she leaves a little more down the dirt supporting her went uneasy as she started to slide down to the two. ' which I am Leo! Or Lee!'
    While she got closer and closer she then saw tye me with a sword had a mad face as she knew that instant that was her Leo as she got her feet out and waited till she hit a solid part and then got on her first and jumped up and to them too and between tye two while the one with the sword was about to head to Leo so she got her sword out as then landed in the ground as she looked right at the bad clone and blocked his attack that was for meant for Leo.
    " Shadow?" she looked at him fast seeing his eyes as she looked back to the evil clone. " Is Leo okay?"
    " I... I don't know he is not answering me... As if he is..." the bad clone punched them both back finishing for Lee. " He is gone. Like mine did! He will never talk again because he is a weakling and all he will do is bring us low to where we can't do what we do!"
    Shadow looking at him as her hands gripped the handle of the Katanas holder. " That's not true... Leo would not leave like this! That's not him!"
     " We are the real Leo sweat heart so stop making this a big deal... " he then got a bigger smirk on as she walked over slowly having his sword lowered. " You like Leo don't you?"
    " no... I love him... And I will never stop this... He is still here - " the bad clone Leo grabbed her chin as she looked right in his eyes as she could see all the bad things this clone has done as her legs shacked. ' Leo... Are you really gone like this clone is saying...'
    Lee growled seeing him hold her like that but as soon as he saw her shaking Lee got instantly up fast as he grabbed his hand and got Shadow to his plastron while he had his pissed look. " Don't touch her. She is not yours."
    Shadow looked at Lee as she saw his face as she had to say it. " Lee is Leo really not answering you..."
    Lee gripped his hand on her shoulder as tye answer while she had tears then starting to fall. " What happened!"
    " I don't know Shadow... But trust me I don't want him gone too." The bad clone looked at the two as he signed. " Enough with this... Let me passed and so I can eat on this girls flash as she smells so sweet. "
   Lee got her behind him as he took the can't from her hand as he pointed it out to him. " if you talk like that again then you will die right know. "

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