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I woke up with the biggest headache ever. Last night was horrible and turned my entire world up side down. And to add insult to injury JT is not the easiest person to sleep with. For such a pretty girl she slept ugly and snored like a man. I see why reggie gets up at five in the morning. It's not just to workout it's so he can get away from her ass. I soon heard my phone buzzing and searched for it like a mad woman. Hoping it was Jordan I answered it without looking at the name.

"Hello beautiful how are you baby!"

Ugh! It was my mother. Not that I didn't love hearing her voice, but she was the last person I wanted to talk to when the future of my relationship was at stake. I answered the phone reluctantly.

"Oh! Hey"

"Oh! Hey!? How about Hello mommy how are you? Who pissed in your cornflakes?" My mother was good at picking up on when I had an attitude or I just wasn't myself.

"No one. I'm sorry I'm just tired. How are you?"

"If you say so, but I'm good I was calling to let you know I'm on my way to your house I was hoping we could have lunch I haven't seen my kids in weeks."

"Umm! No! Don't go to the house!" The last thing I needed was to hear how I hurt her favorite piece of chocolate Jordan.

"No!? Excuse me little girl? You don't wanna see me?"

"No! Not at all mommy that's not it. It's just I'm not home. I'm at Scottie's the girls and I had a girls night. But how about I meet you at Mangos the Caribbean spot at 1pm"

"Sounds good! I can't wait to see the three of you I missed y'all" Aw! hell I hope by the three of us she meant Devyn and I and the waiter because if she wanted to see Jordan she'd have to do some serious reviving of our relationship.

"Well Devyn met with shawn this morning over endorsement deals but I'll talk to Jordan and see what he's up to." That's if he even answers the phone. I was still nervous that he might not want to talk to me still.

"Alright baby! Let me get off this phone you know they got that damn hands free law and I don't know how to work this bluetooth shit In the car that boy gave me. I'll ask him later. Bye Giselle!"

"Bye mommy" Great now I had to call Jordan. Before I could my phone rang. My mom must have forgot to say something so I answered quickly. "Yes! Mommy"

"Hey! Giselle!?" It wasn't my mother after all. Hearing Jordan's voice made my heart skip a beat.

"Jordan!? Hi are you okay?" I asked shyly.

"I wished things were different right now but I'm okay. Listen I had every intention on coming to see you but I just got called in to work so maybe we can talk later."

A sense of relief came over my body. Jordan wanting to talk made me feel so much better than how I was last night and even a few minutes ago.

"Yeah! Sure. I guess I have my answer then. My mother is in town and she wanted to have lunch with us. I told her I'd call."

"Aww! Man I hate to break her heart. I know how much she loves me." Jordan let out a small laugh.

"Yeah! She does, but she's not the only one." The line went silent for a minute.

"Listen Giselle we will talk about everything later. I have to get back to work now."


"And Giselle!?.........I love you."

I held my eyes closed shut trying to keep more tears from flowing as one trickled down my cheek. Hearing those three words brought an overwhelming happiness over my body.

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