Chapter 31

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           We lock lips and my fingers go to his back as I pulled him closer to me wanting to feel every part of him. Then I realize I'm 14 and I'm watching too much of The Vampire Diaries and that I was at a football game. 

"Josie do you want to go back to your friends and watch the game," he asks me while my hands are still around his head. 

"Well I don't want people to think we're together so we should just hangout with our friends for tonight but I don't have plans for winter break. So we could maybe do something together" I tell her and he kisses me on my cheek.

"You sure?" he asks and I nod and we pretend to be mad at each other and I walk back to Isaac and Dylan.

"You okay need me to talk to him" Isaac asks me but I shake my head and look at Dylan.

"Dylan we should talk" I tell him and Isaac then gets the memo and quickly walks off. I grab Dylan by the arm and we walk off to where the concession stand is. His hazel eyes look into my brown eyes but sometimes his eyes look light brown or green. 

"Josie I just wanted to say that today we kissed it-"

"Josie oh my god come quick Cayden and Austin are fighting and shirts are off!" Lucy says and pulls me away from Dylan. But pretty sure everyone is surrounding them Cayden who was a sophomore was fighting Austin a junior. I was confused as to why they were fighting so I asked Lucy.

"What happened?" I ask Lucy and she explains.

"Well my cousin Jeanie she told me that apparently, Austin has been playing around with Cayden's girlfriend who's also a sophomore and Cayden found out. Apparently, Austin has been playing around with other girls also some freshmen girls one being Cayden's sister" Lucy explains.

           As Cayden jumped on top of Austin and pushed him to the ground Austin got the upper level and pushed Cayden and punched him in the face. 

"You fucked with my girlfriend you dick!" Cayden yells as they're both kicking each other. I looked to the side to find this girl crying. 


She was Cayden's sister.

She had blonde hair and brown eyes while he had brown eyes and dirty blonde hair. She probably gets it done every other weekend but now wasn't the time to be petty.

"He wouldn't let go of me" she cries out and I walk over to her.

"Nina what happened" I ask her and she shows me her back.

"He pushed me to a wall and tried to fuck me!" she says and there's a bruise on her back. I hate her and always will but I couldn't help but feel bad for her. 

"Move out of the way!" cops yell pushing kids back and grabbing Cayden and Austin while a female one checks Nina's bruise. Nina goes with her for questioning while I'm here questioning what the fuck just happened.

"Josie are you okay" Ryan asks and I nod and walk to where Stasia and Drew are. She's confused as I am and we both stay quiet and calm and watch as the cops are questioning Austin, Cayden and Nina.

           I decided to go get something to eat with Stasia and Drew and we all talk about the time we met at Starbucks.

"How many jobs do you even have I mean you're only 16?" I ask him and he laughs.

"Well 3 but I walk dogs sometimes so technically 4 jobs" he says and we watch as Dylan and Isaac are laughing together.

"Are they?" Drew begins to ask.

"No definitely not" Stasia quickly answers.

"I mean I wouldn't have a problem with it all I care about is if he's happy or not it doesn't matter who makes him feel that way" Drew says practically winning the best brother of the year contest.

"I can think of someone who makes him feel that way" Stasia says eyeing me but I roll my eyes and look at Ryan who notices and waves at me. I wanted to go over to him and talk with him and his friends acting as if I was one of them.

"Makes who feel that way" Isaac sits and asks and I hand him the rest of my chips.

"So what am I supposed to do about my brother and my friend dating," Dylan asked and Stasia flicks him off and kisses Drew.

"Eww get a room"

"Well if we get a room it will be next to yours and you'll be able to hear every single-" Drew begins to say and Dylan stops him.

"Okay I get it I get it," he says and we all laugh.

"Wow that looks good on you little bro" Drew says.

"What does?" he asks.

"That smile on your face," Drew says and Dylan rolls his eyes and then looks at me.

"What?" I ask curious but then he puts his hand on my face and gets something off my face. He was so innocent I hope whoever he falls for one day treat him right.

           Around 9 as the game was on last quarter but our team was behind by 6 points we were most likely less likely to win. I sat on the bleachers on the field as my dad was encouraging the team.

"God get your heads together!" my dad yells and looks at me and I just shrug. 

"Martin come on!" my dad yells again and I can't help but laugh a bit.

I then decided to get my dad a hot dog and nachos which for some reason he loved having together. I see Anthony with his blonde hair and green eyes and he's all alone.

"Hey, you all alone here?" I ask him.

"Is it that obvious?" he says and pays for popcorn.

"My sister is a cheerleader so I have to go to games and it kind of sucks cause all my friends are on the team. I used to go to this one school for 6th grade then I had to move to North Carolina where I used to live and then this summer my parents decided that we should move back but instead of going to the same school as my friends they enrolled me here" he tells me and I feel bad for him.

"Wait what school did you use to go to?" I ask him.

"Swiss Point," he tells me.

"Oh my god I used to go there I only go here cause my dad is the gym coach" I explain and he nods as I tell the ladies at the concession stand what I want. 

"Oh what a coincidence," he tells me and then walks to the bleachers where a couple of girls are eyeing him.

           I give my dad the food and he kisses my head before yelling at someone to pass the ball already. I laugh and look around for Ryan and then I see Nina who's talking with her friends and is already wearing her bitchy face again. I bet she lied and made up that story about Austin just for attention.

I mean she is a slut after all.


"AHH!" I hear and I get up and run after hearing the sound of a gun.

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