Chapter 5

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           The movie ends and I got scared by Ryan had his arm around me so I guess it somewhat made me feel better. But then I realized that these 14 or 15 year olds were all players. Most of them had either cheated on each other or fucked each other. No offense but I didn't want to be in the middle of it all.

We all decided to walk to Steak N Shake even though I was full from devouring a whole bowl of popcorn. However, whenever I got scared while watching the movie I spilled some either on the floor or Ryan.

"That movie was so fucking good" Scott exclaimed while Yasmin sat on his lap.

"My favorite part was the ending scene," Lucy said, and we all agree.

Ryan ended up buying me an Oreos Cookies and Cream Milkshake. He's really sweet sometimes but other times he's really clingy and always trying to make me happy. I had no problem with it but it's just that he was too sweet.

"Josie you doing okay," Davina asks when I'm quiet.

"No, it's fine. I'm fine." I say.

But I'm not.

Then the worst idea of ideas is said and it's to go back to Ryan's house. They couldn't be serious there was no way I'd go back. Especially on a Saturday night cause the next morning I have church.

I'll go to hell if I get wasted again so this time I did the right thing and rejected the offer.

"You sure I promise nothing bad will happen again," Ryan says but I shake my head, and Ella's mom car pulls up.

"Wait Josie before you leave" Ryan says locking eye contact with me. My mind flashes to his lips and suddenly we're kissing. It felt amazing but wait a minute there was no way in hell I'd be Davina's sloppy seconds. Thank god I had a wild imagination I would never kiss Ryan after a week or at all.

"Wait, Josie, before you leave," Ryan says locking eye contact with me and then hugs me.

I go back to Ella's spend the rest of tonight there, and then my brother picks me up the next morning. I go to church then I eat and watch The Vampire Diaries and then I remember I had homework and stay up and do it.

I wake up feeling tired and not mentally prepared for school or life I wish I could start over and be friends with the right people.

I walk in say hi to Martin and Lena decide that since I have a lot of free time to spy on Dale.

"What are you doing," Dylan's voice says, and I freeze.

"Could ask you the same thing?" I say and mentally high five myself.

"I'm here for a reason, " he says, and I'm ready to take this bitch down.

"Are you going to shoot up the school?" I say cause he's emo and always quiet.

"No I would never shoot up the school, and I need to talk to Dale if you don't mind," he says and walks into the classroom, and then they go to his office.

Oh my god. They're hooking up they're having sex they're gay I can't believe I'm seeing this.

Well technically I only saw them go to the office in the classroom, but still, I always have to assume stuff.

I then look at the time and decide to walk to the cafeteria and get early morning breakfast.

"Name and lunch number," the lunch asks.

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