Chapter 6

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           I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and she excused me, and I then began texting Ryan. If he did something to someone else for me first, I'd then he's sweet. But since Dylan was not in the mood something else was up.

Ryan didn't text me back, so I was worried I then think about asking the front office if he checked out. But there was nothing I could do but just go back to class and hope for the best.

In home economics, Stasia noticed I was still in a bad mood from Language Arts, and so she made me tell her the whole story. By telling her the story starting from the day I met all of them and I didn't even realize how much shit has already happened.

"So basically you fucked up," she said, and I was going to defend myself, but sadly it was true.

"I should've listened to you when you warned me," I say, and she tells me that it's not a big deal.

"I got dance after school, but I can meet you at Starbucks or something," she says, and I agree to meet her.

Ryan is waiting for me at my locker and asked me why I assumed he did something to Dylan.

"You said you would 'fix' it," I say reminding him and he tells me he'll help me find him.

The first stop was my hot drama teacher I walk in first, and he's cleaning up his classroom after his last class of the day.

"Dale," I say, and when he turns around, and his blue eyes look into mine I almost don't know how to process.

"Josie are you okay?" he asks, and I'm making a fool of myself.

"18 that's cool when did you turn 18 and why are you so smart," I say and want to throw myself at a wall.

He chuckles a bit and then grabs a chair to stack and I wanted him to take off that button up shirt so badly.

"I turned 18 this summer and I didn't watch TV until I was 10," he says. Then I think about the percentage of my life I've wasted on watching Ian Somerhalder shirtless.

"So anyways I wanted to ask about a student," I say, and he faces me again.

"What about this student is he a crush or something cause I wouldn't know anything about those," he says.

"Why is that?" I ask getting way off topic.

"I never really liked anyone as a kid mostly dedicated time to theatre and studying," he says.

"You should put yourself out there find a woman technically it's legal for you to date most of the seniors," I say and then cover my mouth.

"I would never date a student never in a million years," he says and my heart sinks. Before I could say another word his phone rings and he tells me he's gotta pick up his niece.

"You can swing by my office tomorrow if you want to finish this conversation," he says and grabs his things. I walk myself out the room and watch as he locks his room and I sigh.

Ryan waited for me outside the school and told me he needed a ride cause he missed the bus. I told him my dad could drop him off home but he would have to stay after.

"That's fine," he says and then runs to the soccer field.

"I thought you didn't play sports," I say, and he laughs.

"Doesn't mean I won't occasionally crash soccer practice?" he tells me and rushes to the field.

I finished my retake and Mrs. Ringwald told me I could leave it on her desk while she was in the teacher's lounge. I walked to the soccer field and watched as Ryan was surprisingly really good at soccer.

He then did something that ended my lifespan he lifted his shirt up, and I saw abs. Oh god, why do I imagine my life as a cliche?

He actually was tying his shoes which wasn't as interesting as he grabbed his school bag and walked towards me. My dad had pulled up his car to the front of the school and I sat in the front seat while Ryan sat in the middle seat.

"So how is your 2nd week of high school?" my dad says asking the both of us.

"Great sir I'm thinking of trying out for the soccer team," Ryan says obviously trying to impress my dad and me.

"That's good how about you," he says, and I don't know what to say.

"Great" I managed to say.

Ryan and my dad continue to talk until my dad drops him off and then it's just in the car.

"I like that guy," he says, and I force a laugh.

I then went to my room and began searching for Instagram to see if Dylan had an Instagram. He had no social media he probably didn't even have a phone. It was my fault that he left I shouldn't have been rude to him.

At our 8:30 my mom and I went to Starbucks, and I met up with Stasia while my mom stayed in the car.

"Josie really," she said while laughing about my encounter with Dale.

"It was so embarrassing I've never been more embarrassed. I couldn't focus and then he was talking about how he would never a student." I say and cover my face.

"Erm you guys would actually make a cute couple," she says, and I think about that possibility in my head.

"Never in a million years," I say impersonating him, and then we both laugh and then I notice the cute waiter.

"How old do you think he is?" she asks and I shrug and then she gets up from the table and walks up to him.

I hide my face and then I look at her talking to him and suddenly he's laughing with her and then he grabs a napkin and writes his number down. Why is everyone else's love life perfect but not mine?

"You got his number how?" I ask.

"And his snapchat but all I did was say hey and tell him he's cute and asked if I could have his number and snapchat," she tells as if talking to a boy was the easiest thing in the world.

"My mom says I gotta go see you tomorrow," Stasia says, and I nod and grab my frappé and the guy who gave her his number then stops.

"You're Josie right?" He says and I already knew what was going to happen.

"You're such a joke," I say.

"No, I wanted to talk to you about why you went off on my brother he came home really upset," he says, and I think about who I've yelled at today.

"Wait Dylan's your brother?" I ask and he nods,

"He said that you wouldn't stop bothering him and kept asking him questions" he tells me and I don't have a quick response for once in my life.

"He was the one being rude," I say and walk out, and my mom drives me back home, and I run to my room.

I wanted to scream so badly my life was getting so messy and it's all too much. Sometimes I wish I could die a temporary death for a night but come back. But that's what basically what being deep asleep is.

I turned on my TV and went to Netflix but couldn't decide what to watch normally I'd just watch The Vampire Diaries. But for some reason, I couldn't watch anything I then decide to go to Spotify.

Music was soft to my ears and helped me think. I picked a song that would describe how I'm feeling.

In My Blood by Shawn Mendes. The words spoke to me and my anxiety and somehow calmed me down.

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