Chapter 12

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It was six in the morning, and Kris was having a dream where everyone praised him for his face, calling him names like ‘handsome’ or ‘good-looking’.

It was a good dream, which was abruptly ended with a splash of water in his face and yelling. He opened his eyes to find Lisa and Ryan yelling at him to wake up, earning a groan from Kris.

“Guess all good things have an end,” Kris thought as he sat up.

“What now?” Kris asked with concern and annoyance lacing his voice, making his contradicting thoughts very clear.

“We’re aware of this being a taboo topic, but we linked your… missing brother with our case,” Lisa spoke carefully as she took out the black and white striped notebook.

Kris scanned the data they had, and noticed that this wasn’t something that was known. He glared at Ryan as he realized that beside himself, Ryan also knew the information listed on the page.

“I know you’re not convinced yet, but we have something that might convince you,” Ryan spoke out nervously as he flipped to the right page.

As Kris’ eyes scanned the leaf of paper, he gulped with full might. He finally understood why they were suspecting his brother.

On the lined paper, the words written changed his anger to pure fear, fear of his brother going down the wrong path after he went missing.

Kris’ brother liked music way more than he should. He would be obsessed and locked inside all the time. The murderer uses music to commit each murder, something which is likely to be done by Kris’ brother. Kris’ brother was also very dark, which could also be the cause of the murders.

Kris felt something warm and wet rolling down his cheeks, which were soon identified as a tear.

As they each fell onto the paper, they smudged the page a little, causing him to hand the notebook back so he wouldn’t ruin their hard work.

As he was wiping his tears away, his peripheral vision allowed him to witness Lisa whispering something in Ryan’s ears, to which he nodded in response. Kris wondered what was being discussed, but he decided to let the geniuses do their job.

Soon, a yawn was heard from across the hall, alerting Kris that he had to wake up to make breakfast.

After Kris had made breakfast, everyone sat down on the couches.

Everyone chirped about their dreams and more topics, but that was interrupted by Ryan who was standing at the front of the room.

“Good morning! I know it’s eight in the morning, and I’m sorry Jennie for waking you up. Anyway, I have important news. I have been given an idea to use my ability, and to find the murderer, but I’m going to need all of your help. We’re going to have to work together,” Ryan preached as he sat back down and ate his breakfast.

Soon after breakfast, Jennie was ordered to draw weapons, armor and other items that would help them fight against the murderer, Ryan went and started to write some statements that would help them, and Kris was out practicing how to control his power and how to properly use it, along with the rest of the group.

As they practiced, Mark was back at his place, where he was currently suffering with a killer headache, which made him feel like his head was breaking.

He felt like he couldn’t breathe and he wanted it to stop, but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to stop it unless he killed someone else, which was something he didn’t want anymore.

He knew it was wrong, but his life depended on it. He had to or else he would’ve been dead, like one of his victims. And so he went, and he couldn’t stop.



Because he was the prey and they were the predators.

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