Chapter 9

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As Ryan was laughing about the comments made by Jennie, he felt uneasy.

He felt watched.

He looked around, but saw nothing except the outlines of his friends and the furniture, having his eyes getting used to the amount of darkness.

Fifteen minutes later, the door was slammed open by Mark, who had swollen eyes that would’ve been visible in the light.

The room fell silent as they heard the sniffles coming from Mark. He was visibly shaking, and they all felt bad. They wanted to help, but they couldn’t since they were trapped.

“Are-” Kris whispered to Mark, but was cut off by screams coming from the other side of the room.

“Is that Rose?!” Kris yelled out while struggling to break free. “What did you do to her?!”

Kris was glaring at Mark who was still shaking, but soon his hand went to his right and a click was soon heard after.

“Help her, because I couldn’t,” Mark whimpered out while he opened the door.

They soon ran towards the pink door, which stood out the most since it was the only bright colored door. As Kris cut to front, he slammed the door open, only to find Rose sitting on the brightly colored carpet.

Everyone was trying to grasp her attention with no avail, due to the fact that they were tuned out from her hearing. She then moved her hands a little changing everything back to its normal volume.

“Can any of you shut up?” Rose wondered as she glared at them, annoyed that they were panicking.

Every head turned and stared at each other shock.

Meanwhile Mark opened Lisa’s door, letting her escape. He knew Rose and Lisa were close.

Lisa even had a door that connected her and Rose’s rooms, a feature which was also in the replica.

When Lisa spotted Mark opening the door, she was lost, realizing that this was not part of the plan.

As Lisa went over to Rose’s room via the connecting door that was now unlocked, she back-hugged Rose once she got there.

“Why is our little Rose crying, hmm?” Lisa softly asked while resting her own head on top of Rose’s.

“I wasn’t crying, I was just trying out my new ability!” Rose chirped at Lisa leaving everyone in awe at her sudden change in tone. “I can manipulate sound waves!”

Again, everyone was left in shock at the revelation of Rose’s abilities.

Lisa stepped away from the back-hug, leaving a pouting Rose. Lisa beamed at her while putting to thumbs-up in the air.

Rose felt better having Lisa comfort her. She felt the darkness in her heart fading away, being replaced by newfound light.

She realized how much Lisa meant to her. She felt like Lisa was sent to her to take the role of her dead sister.

Soon Rose’s thoughts were interrupted by a screeching sound coming from her teddy bears, which were the type to make noise. Rose had more sensitive hearing, so she tuned it out, only being able to her friends’ voices.

“What the heck is this?” Rocky yelled out as he then ran towards the pink door that was slammed shut.

“Godda-” Rocky fumed as Kris interrupted him by glaring at him.

Rocky just nodded and spoke again,”God dang it! We were lured into a trap!”

After Rocky finished his comment, a song started to blast in the room, causing Rocky to dance around to it.

Everyone wanted to start laughing at his sudden actions, but soon they stared at his movements which were filled with anger and fear. Everyone, but Rose were unaffected by the sound.

Rose didn’t want to say anything but she had to because she felt like she was going to pass out at any given moment.

“G-guys! I don’t feel well, I might pass out,” Rose yelled as she shifted uncomfortably, visibly becoming paler.

Soon the thought dawned on him, and so Ryan dashed to Rose’s side. He soon whispered something in her ear, leaving everyone guessing that he was telling her how she can get better.

Soon, the only thing Rose could hear was the voices of the group.

As Rose’s color seemed to return back, everyone was left to wonder what Ryan whispered to her. Ryan noticed the curiosity and soon spoke up.

“If no one has noticed, we are kidnapped by the mysterious murderer who managed to hide for three years, and has been killing his victims without even touching them. Lisa and I had a plan, but that was ruined when the murderer let her in here. And from what I have obtained, he was able to kill with music, which somehow messes with the brain causing every system to shut down. And we might be immune, with the exception of Rose, who was affected just now. I told her to use her ability to tune it out, so right now she can’t hear it,” Ryan explained beaming soon after, causing his dimples to show.

“Ok, anyone have a pencil and paper?” Jennie abruptly shouted while looking through the things in Rose’s room. “Nevermind, I found it!”

Soon Jennie started to draw swords, nunchucks, staffs and other weapons, and most importantly, new clean clothes. Little by little, the graphite smudges became real objects on the fluffy floor, causing everyone to gasp out in delight.

After changing into the new clothes (which was in a style only Jennie liked), they got their weapons, ready to fight, when they noticed Ryan was looking for something.

“How about I just write that we escape this place? It’s much easier than fighting someone when we are very inexperienced,” Ryan explained as he sat down and started to write.

“Why didn’t you think of this earlier?” Rocky questioned with an annoyed voice as he stared at Ryan.

“I can’t think straight when the adrenaline is pumping,” Ryan answered as he looked up and chuckled.

“Aww, I wanted to have an epic battle,” Jennie whined as they all disappeared and soon were outside their real house.

“Well too bad, Jennie. We want to be safe,” Rocky scoffed as he walked into the unlocked house.

Little did they know, that it wasn’t over yet.

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