Chapter 2

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As Rocky walked through the crowded streets, he was deep in thought, until he turned a corner leading to an emptier street. He took in his beautiful surroundings.

He looked up to look up at the sky which was tinted with hues of red, orange, yellow and a wisp of pink. As he looked to his right he saw green trees with rough trunks the color of dark chocolate and nests between its branches.

He was so engrossed in his surroundings that he almost didn’t notice the limp body of a young girl in the middle of the sidewalk.

When he crouched down to take a closer look, he heard a melody of a song playing not too far away. As he followed the sound, leaving the body behind, he realized that the girl had no pulse, but had no cuts or bruises either.

As the sweet melody became louder, the silhouette of a man became clear. Rocky was a physically strong man who barely got scared, but this sight instilled fear throughout his entire body.

“W-who are you?” Rocky quivered as he mentally facepalmed for stuttering.

The figure didn’t converse, but walked closer, causing Rocky to inch backward. His mind told him to run, and so he did, but both the stranger and he were surprised by what they witnessed.

Rocky tore into the woods nearby, amazed by his capability. Everything was a blur at first, but he soon got used to it. As he neared the fairly new building, he stopped at the door.

He walked in, forgetting about the previous argument that was held in the vast room.

“Guys! Guys! You won’t believe what just happened to me!” Rocky blabbered as he ran towards the table.

“What are you talking about, Rocky?” Rose asked as she escaped Kris’ brotherly embrace, who looked up at her with eyes full of apprehension.

“Look!” Rocky piped, full of excitement as he starts to demonstrate his superspeed.

Everyone stared with their eyes comically popping out, something which didn’t go unnoticed by Rocky. As he went to a halt, he smirked holding his head up in pride, while an idea popped up in his empty head.

“Isn’t this cool? I’m gifted and powerful, meaning maybe I could be, I don’t know, leader?” Rocky asked while smirking away, thinking they’ll agree due to his newfound ability.

“Heck no! You can’t even lead your-” Lisa complained as she was cut off by Kris, who slapped his hand on her mouth.

“Don’t you dare swear. You know that this is a swear-free house, Lisa,” Kris quietly scolded Lisa as he took his hand off.

“We got it momma Kris, anyways back to the initial topic. No, Rocky, you can’t be our leader because first, you’re very short-tempered, so you would yell at us every 5 seconds. Second, you tend to slack off, so we would get nowhere. And before you say we got nowhere before, we actually did, but you were too busy slacking off and thinking about yourself to notice,” Jennie acknowledged as she looked up from her black and pink studded phone.

Everyone except Rocky felt proud of Jennie for surpassing everyone’s expectation with her comment.

“Wow! I can’t believe it guys! You seriously gonna listen to that idiot who has an unused brain?” Rocky fumed as he stared at everyone with disbelief.

“Actually, we have every right to believe her because that was the truth, and if you really think that her brain is unused, then tell me; how did she end up here? You know I only allow intelligent people to be a part of this group because then we would be able to solve cases without breaking our heads. And sure we may be obsessed with this case, and we still have other cases to solve, but we solve them quickly because you all help some form or another. So please, just please, try to understand our situations,” Ryan stated with absolute composure while looking at each of our eyes, checking for a sign of understanding.

As they all nodded, they heard the doorbell ring. And as they all look at each other while walking out to the hall, Rocky who was looking out the window, turned around with widened eyes, because out of all the excitement, he forgot to mention one thing.

He was running from danger, but that danger has found him with his friends.

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