Chapter 7

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As Ryan sat on the edge of the bed in shock, Lisa locked herself in the closet. Ryan was shocked, but in a good way. He was glad that they were stronger thanks to their newly-found abilities, but she didn’t think of it like that.

“Lisa~ come out,” Ryan sang as her sniffles were getting louder by the second until she stopped, and slammed the closet door open.

“Ok,” Lisa responded with dread laced into her sweet voice.   

Lisa had explained everything, from the time she found her ability of altering and erasing memories, to how she uses it. She told him how it all happened a day before Rocky found his own ability.

She was going to the grocery store and she ran into a girl with freshly dyed sky-blue locks and green eyes. Lisa noticed it was her high school lover, Amber, which was also the same person who backstabbed her and almost broke her.

“Oh, it’s you,” Amber stated with disgust seeping through her voice as she eyed Lisa from head to toe.

“Yeah it’s me,” Lisa retorted while rolling her eyes.

She hated Amber, and she wanted Amber to forget that she existed. That was her ultimate wish at the moment. As Lisa was deeply wishing, Amber suddenly spoke.

“Who are you?” Amber asked with confusion evident in her voice as she stared up at Lisa.

“What? I’m Lisa?” Lisa responded unsure as she pointed at herself.

“Oh, well nice to meet you! I’m Amber!” Amber exclaimed with newfound excitement. She was happy that she was making a new friend.

At those words Lisa knew that it was her wish which affected Amber, and she was pretty happy.

But deep down she knew it wasn’t just her wish which caused this, she had something special and she knew it. Therefore she did some research and experiments, and she found her abilities.

Ryan and Lisa worked together to try and make ideas on how to escape, but they were interrupted by a raspy voice.

“Who wants to play a game? I’m bored,” the voice rang out from the TV, which was believed to be turned off.

“Not now, I’m busy,” Lisa responded with disinterest clear in her voice as she kept on writing.

Ryan was taken aback by the tone she used towards the stranger, the stranger that held their lives at stake. Even if the rooms were comforting, that didn’t change the fact that they’ve been kidnapped.

“You should if you wanna see your friends again,” the raspy voice whispered out, emphasizing the last word in his sentence.

Ryan’s eyes became wide in shock, with tears soon following. He wanted to go, for his friends. They were his only family, something that all of them realized too.

“I want to play a game,” Ryan announced with fear dripping from his voice as he abruptly stood up.

“Good,” the voice responded with delight as Ryan sighed heavily.

When the door opened, Ryan saw the same man who was hiding in his closet the evening before. He stepped out, leaving Lisa behind as she had refused to go. Everything was going according to plan, and they both knew it.

As Ryan stepped into the dimly lighted room, he could make out a coffee table, a painting, two couches and some other decorations. But what seemed out of place was a metal door which was gingerly hidden behind the painting.

Ryan was forced to sit down on one of the couches, and as soon as his body grazed the furniture, he was held down with metal rings. He didn’t panic, as he expected to be in a situation like this. He knew that the stranger may be an idiot at bringing others down, but he’s not stupid enough to let him and the others to roam free.

Ryan’s daze was broken when he saw the door open again, and he saw two dark figures. He knew the one on the left was the unknown stranger, but he couldn’t tell who the other figure was.

“Ryan? Ryan, is it really you?” Kris exclaimed as he ran towards Ryan, whose eyes looked bigger than Jupiter.

“Kris! Kris, are you alright?” Ryan asked, eyes full of worry.

He wanted to hug his older friend, but he couldn’t. He realized that when he felt the metal rings on his wrists and feet. He wanted to break down, but he couldn’t. He was the leader, therefore he thought he shouldn’t cry.

“Quit acting as if you haven’t seen each other for years! You were together yesterday!” the stranger fumed as he forced Kris to sit down, just like he did with Ryan.

Soon, all except Lisa and Rose were in the room, trapped in metal rings. Every soul in there wondered why the stranger didn’t bring Rose in, causing all of them to fear the worst for Rose, their baby-like friend.

Ryan explained that Lisa refused to go, leaving out the plan that they had created. They all talked together, and for a few moments they forgot that they were kidnapped by some stranger who seemed to have stalked them.

“Guys! Guys! I want to tell you something,” Jennie yelled as she shook her feet the best of her ability.

“Same, it’s really important,” Kris exclaimed while beaming at the rest.

Ryan smiled at his impatient friends who were arguing over who would talk first.

“I should go first because I have a handsome face!” Kris boasted as he raised his chin up in pride.

“No I deserve to first because this is something serious, Kris!” Jennie protested as her facial expression changed. “I have abilities. I can draw something and it can become real.”

“Wow! That means you can finally get a boyfriend or girlfriend! Just draw them! Anyways, I can change how something is. Like I can, what’s that science word? Oh! I can manipulate matter!” Kris forgetfully explained, giggling at the end of his comment.

“Wow! I also found out I can write something and it’ll become real! Kinda like Death Note!” Ryan exclaimed, earning a few confused glances due to the reference.

They all knew they were going to be okay, and they worried about Rose.

But little did they know that she wasn’t as helpless as everyone thought.

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