Chapter 3

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“Don’t open that door,” Rocky quietly warned with fear and authority laced into his voice at the same time.

He didn’t know why the stranger followed him home, but he had mixed feelings about it all. He felt strong but weak at the same time.

“I have extraordinary abilities, so I’m strong, right? But why do I feel so weak?” Rocky thought as he felt the urge to let his tears escape his hazel eyes.

As they all stood there, tears became visible on Rose’s pale face. As they rolled down her cheeks, Kris trapped her in his arms in an effort to give her a sense of comfort. He didn’t want her to feel scared anymore.

As the moments went painfully slow, the stranger left with a groan escaping their lips, which didn’t go unnoticed by Lisa, who was analyzing the stranger. Sensing that they were no longer in danger, Ryan lead them all to living headquarters.

“Okay, so that wasn’t expected,” Ryan explained as he watched Kris stand up and head over to the kitchen.

Hearing those words, Rocky looked at the dull carpeting underneath his feet, feeling guilty for the fear that was instilled into all of his friends. After getting over the guilt, he started to carefully piece everything together, resulting in him realizing something else. Something fatal.

“Ryan! Don’t speak freely of any of our private pieces of evidence anywhere! If you do, you’re putting our case and us in jeopardy!” Rocky harshly whispered in Ryan’s ear as his grasp on Ryan’s shirt tightened, leaving Ryan confused.

Everyone else was engrossed in their own thing, so nobody realized what just occurred. As Kris brought the freshly made dishes out, Ryan was still utterly lost in Rocky’s words.

“I’ll be right back! I need my charger ‘cause my phone’s almost dead,” Ryan announced as he swiftly stepped out into the narrow hallway leading to their rooms.

As his hand made contact with the shockingly cold doorknob, he immediately felt apprehensive. He peered into his room as if his charger would appear out of thin air.

His guts kept on telling him to close the wooden door, but he always trusted his brain, which told him to keep on going. With every step he took his apprehension grew, but he tried to drown that down with the need to get his charger.

His windows were covered by black curtains, making his room as dark as coal. As he moved his items around in search of his charger, he felt someone’s intense gaze on his back.

As he whipped his body around, he took hold of one of his Bluetooth speakers, ready to aim and throw, but to his surprise, there was nobody there, making him question his sanity.

He kept on searching around until he heard something fall in his closet. As he threw the closet door open, with Bluetooth speaker in hand, he found himself face to face with a stranger dressed in all black, who also wore a black mask that covered his mouth and nose, leaving only his dark orbs on display.

Ryan didn’t even have time to react as he felt a sharp pain in his arm, which he soon recognized to be the pain of being injected with some chemical.

A few mere seconds were needed for his body to go limp, and for him to realize that he couldn’t fight back.

Ryan expected for his body to hit the hard cold ground, but it didn’t. Instead, they were in the arms of the unknown stranger, who opened one of the windows and threw Ryan out.

Soon Ryan was inside of a car trunk, but he couldn’t do anything about it because his body was the equivalent of a dead body, limp, stiff and silent.

Meanwhile, Kris barged into Ryan’s room with the missing charger in hand.

“Hey Ryan, I forgot to tell you that—” Kris explained as he froze with the realization that Ryan wasn’t in his room and soon panicked at the reality.

The reality where their leader was missing.

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