September 20

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Today was an absolutely awesome day.

The quiet one read our story to the kids, and they loved it! Like, capital L-O-V-E loved it. They stood up and clapped when the quiet one was done. I don't know humans very well, but I know that means they really liked it.

Even the crazy lady stood up and clapped.

It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. All the kids loved our story so much. Even though they didn't know it was our story, it made me feel great. I will definitely help the quiet one write another story.

But that wasn't all that made today so great.

Today, I learned what the kids call the quiet one. Like how they call me Reebok.

They call her Felicity.

Felicity. What a nice name. One of the people in Beauty and the Busker should have been named Felicity. It's a very musical name.

And you know what it means?

It means pleasant.

The quiet one certainly deserves to be called pleasant. She helped fix the hole that Nike tore in my heart, which is almost closed now, by the way. And she taught me to love to write stories, which is the most important thing she could teach me.

I get how Nike was so imaginative now. It's not that hard, it just takes practice. I'm not quite at Nike's level yet, let alone the quiet one's, but I'm getting better all the time.

And you know where I am right now?

In Nike's shell.

I know I said that I wouldn't go in, but that was back when I was still upset at Nike. Now, it's nice to have a memory of her around. And I honestly can't believe I've never come in here before. It's really nice and cozy. I might come in here more often.

I thought Nike was being generous, giving me the castle all to myself. But I see now that she wasn't. The castle is nice at first, but with nobody to share it with, what's the point of having one? This shell is much cozier and smaller, and more one-guppy than the castle is.

And for now, that's what I need.

I wonder if the crazy lady will ever bring in a new guppy. That would be nice. I'd like to have a friend again.

Maybe, if there ever is a new guppy, we can write a story together, and get the quiet one to read it to the kids. It might not be as good as what she would write, but it would still be fun.

And that's the most important part.


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