September 13

13 1 3

It's Friday the 13th. The kids are all obsessed with this fact for some reason. Even the crazy lady was distracted. As a result, the quiet one and I got lots done on the story.

Actually, I got lots done on the story. She wrote a song. At least, she said it was a song. For the story, when Olivia's dad dies. Then Kieran will sing the song for her, and everything will work out fine.

I'll see what I can remember.

A/N This is the song Streets of London. I'm just putting part of it here. And it's not actually mine, someone else wrote it. It just fits.

Have you seen the old man outside the closed-down market, kicking up the paper with his worn-out shoes? In his eyes you see no pride, hand held loosely at his side. Yesterday's paper, telling yesterday's news.

So how can you tell me that you're lonely, and say for you the sun don't shine? Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London, and I'll show you something that'll make you change your mind.

There's more to it than that, but I can't remember it all. I do remember that it's about how you should be grateful for what you have because others don't have it. I know that because the quiet one told me. Someone always has it worse than you, which turns into something called a "paradox", but I don't know what that is. Maybe I should ask her.

It's quite a nice song, I think, but it's all wrong for the time. I mean, Olivia's father just died. That must leave an even bigger hole in her than Nike left in me. And then Kieran goes and tells her that other people have it worse than she does?

No. Nuh-uh. That doesn't help.

Speaking from personal experience.

And I tried to tell the quiet one that, but she wouldn't listen. Instead, after the song, she wrote this.

Afterwards: Kieran tells Olivia that she needs to be with her family and not him, and honour her father's last wishes, settling the argument Olivia was having with herself. She listens and goes home alone.

I swear the quiet one has no heart. I used to think that she did, but now I know she doesn't. Breaking up the couple that was supposed to be the center point of this love story? No way! That's an awful idea. Nobody would like that.

I don't like that.

Kieran and Olivia were supposed to be signs of hope in a broken world. Now Olivia's world is broken too, and Kieran's telling her to just retreat back into it and hide.


Are they both brainless?

Nike would hate this. She would put the quiet one in her place. She would make sure that Kieran and Olivia stay together. After all, this is when she needs him most! Why does she just leave him to be with her family? He's the one that cares about her. Her family hates him. She should stay with the one who actually cares!

Maybe that's a bit harsh.

But if Nike was here, she'd say I'm right. When you're hurting, sad or scared, you should be with the one who cares about you the most.

So Olivia should be with Kieran right now.

I should be with Nike right now.

But I can't be. Because Nike is dead.

She jumped.

And I'm tempted to join her.

Diary of a Lonely GuppyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora