September 11

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I'm bored again, waiting for the quiet one. So I've decided to write more about Nike.

She was quiet and creative, and always knew what to do. About 2 months ago, I swam too hard into the tank glass and hurt my dorsal fin. Nike helped me get better. She would tell me stories and distract me from the pain in my fin, and before I knew it, it was all better.

The quiet one is like that. I'm always sad and lonely until she arrives. I can't wait until she comes back. Then I can watch her write her story. She's a really good writer. Of course, right now she's just planning the "framework" of the story, but she wrote a bit of the beginning, and it's absolutely amazing.

I think it went something like this:

Kieran hummed as he tuned his guitar. Business was good. He was in front of the Farmer's Market like he was on most Saturdays, and his guitar case was sprinkled with coins.

One might think it a bit strange that a Korean boy would spend his weekends at the market with his guitar. But that's what Kieran did, every Saturday morning. He would wake up, shove breakfast in his mouth, and wave to his mom as he dashed out the door, guitar in hand.

Kieran didn't look different from most teenagers. He was of average height, with short black hair and an inconspicuous style. What made him different was his songs.

Kieran loved to write songs. He would write one every week, then perform it - along with the ones he did every week - at the market on Saturday. And he would open his guitar case and put a few coins in it. By the end of the day, the guitar case would be half full of coins.

Kieran was a busker.

I don't remember what comes after that, but there's more. And it's easy to see how talented she is, right? After you start reading, it's hard to stop. It's like magic. The kind of stuff Nike used to talk about.

Or maybe it's just that the quiet one certainly has a gift for words.

A magical gift.

Yeah, it's probably magic.

I sound like Nike.

And that reminds me of that comment about me being "a long way out". Obviously, since she's got such a gift for words, that was a carefully chosen phrase. But, me being a simple-minded guppy, I don't know what it's supposed to mean.

Oh, the quiet one's here! Maybe I can ask her.

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