September 15

4 1 1

I am very, very bored.

And angry at Nike. How could she just jump out of the tank with half of my heart and leave me with a gaping hole in my chest? Why did she do it? Did she want me to feel bad? Was it something that I did?

Is it my fault that she's dead?

Great. Now I'm angry and guilty.

What if Nike hated me? What if the only reason she was nice to me was that I was the only other guppy around? What if everything she did was because of me?

Would she have been able to answer all these questions?

I think she would have. And I think she would have done it willingly, or at least fake-willingly. She would have known how to deal with her jumping out of the tank. She would have been fine if another guppy jumped out of the tank.

She would have been fine if I jumped out of the tank.

I wonder if she would have felt the way I do if I had died instead of her. Would the quiet one still have written our story, but with Nike instead of me?

I can't wait for tomorrow. I miss the quiet one already.

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