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"What's wrong ?", Ahmer, my patient asked me.
"Nothing, you're all done. Goodbye.",I  said and walked away. That kid was 15 years old and still he didn't know how to fake an injury. Like is the generation getting dumber day by day. I wonder how many stupid people there are, like how ? Just how do you become so stupid. Take this kid as an example, he had to fake a totally fake injury just to avoid getting his result today. Wow, is all I can say.

Am I being rude ? I questioned myself.  Maybe I am but it's not my fault because I've been working for the past 49 hours in this freakishly big hospital and I need sleep. What can we do without our sweet, sweet sleep.

I'm like a walking, talking zombie moving around the hospital. I look worse than the actual patients and-
"Earth to Annaya !", Ahmed waved his hand infront of me, bringing me back to reality. I glared at him and he kind of understood my glare because I'm usually a happy person but when I don't get food and sleep, don't come near me, I might just bite your head off.

"No sleep?", He asked and I frowned shaking my head no. Seriously I was on the verge of crying my eyes out because of how tired I was. Who thought being a doctor could be that hard.
"Aww poor baby got no sleep. Don't worry, I just took a 2 hour nap." He mocked me and I was litterally  thinking of ways to kill him.

Maybe a little bit of access midol would work wonders, I thought evily.

Apparently since Ahmed took up the obstetrics case, he changed his field into gynecology and since then he's much more relaxed and fresh than us.
"Go away ahmed, I'm so tired right now", I said in an annoyed, tired voice.

"Go home Dr. Annaya, your shift was over an hour ago. Why are still here ?", Dr. Shehryar spoke from behind me and to be honest I wasn't surprised at all. Right now even if an elephant runs infront of me, it wouldn't effect me one bit, that's how tired I am.

"Dr.khan ..." I spoke and turned around, I was pissed at him for asking why I'm here, like as if I like being here and not on my sweet bed getting my sweet sleep. What's wrong with him ? Is he not human ?

"...I was treating a patient and therefore it took me time to..."I stopped to yawn then continued, "...treat his injury and now if you'll excuse me I'll just go now," I mumbled walking away with my eyes getting droopier by the second.

I took my things from my locker and walked towards my car. Fumbling with my things, I tried opening the door only to drop my keys along with the rest of the things. I think I'll just sleep here, I can't drive and the ground looks enchanting.

Shaking my head I grabbed my things only to drop them again. This is stupid, why can't I pick them up ? Is the universe against me or something ? Sighing I once again crouched down to get my keys and was about to open the door when Dr. Shehryar came beside me, scaring me which caused me to drop my keys again.

"Aghhhhhh", I shrieked , my voice echoing in the almost empty parking lot. I'm so annoyed, I'm dying to get home and I can't get the stupid key in the stupid lock to drive the stupid car. I'm done. I huffed and sat on the ground barely noticing dr.shehryar beside me.
"What are you doing Dr. Annaya ?"
Oh, don't mind me I'm just dancing here cause I'm so not tired and I'm soooo happy to be here, right now, in this state, I wanted to say but chose not to. "Nothing," I replied instead, monotonously.
"Get up, I'll give you a ride home".
"No I'm fine", I replied, suppressing yet another yawn.

"This is not up for discussion" he said, a bit more sternly.
"You're right," I said getting up,"...this is not up for discussion, now if you'll excuse me, I have to go." I said reachi- ng for my keys but Dr.shehryar grabbed them before me.
"Hey, that's mine", I said, seriously annoyed now. He was wasting my precious time that I would consume by sleeping. What ?! I love sleeping and anyone in my place would too.
"Yes it is but you're in no state to drive yourself, now will you get in my car so that we can go home ?", Dr. shehryar said in a pissed off tone.

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