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"Okay...um...graves disease ?"

"Wait what ?!"

"That's a disease?!!".


"It's a disease most common in women between ages 20-40, swelling around neck, metabolic disturbances, goitre and so much more. It occurs due to the increase of a hormone in the thyroid due to the mas-..."

"Okaaay, we got it...!", Sara and ali replied at the same time with a bad face making me and Ahmed burst out laughing.

We were at the hospital having our lunch and talking when Ahmed decided to tell Sara about a disease and then all of us joined in. After about 5 minutes of laughing like maniacs, Ahmed finally sobered up and was about to say something when all of our pagers beeped, making him shut his mouth.
Dr. Nadia had paged us to get assembled in the conference room so we grabbed our coats and moved towards the conference room.

I think I'm used to the hospital now. A few weeks have passed since I started working here and to say that it's good would be an understatement of the year because this hospital is one of the best and also the environment is so professional. I'd say my experience is simply amazing. I smile to myself thinking about how quickly time goes by but that smile falters when I see Dr.shehryar entering the conference room. It's going to be one long conference, I thought opening the door to the room.

"Settle down everyone, we need to inform you about something." Dr. Nadia said and it was something about her voice that made everyone quiet. The room was so silent that I could hear my heart beating.

"As you all know, this program calls for elimination and last week was observation week and now four people will be eliminated." Dr shehryar said, without a single emotion on his face or even a hint of sadness or remorse for those being eliminated. Heartless ?. This word came to my mind but then I dismissed this thought because firstly, it's not my place to judge him and secondly, I don't know him and I shouldn't even think about him.

The room was still dead silent. Everyone thinking the same thing ; if it was them being eliminated, not a single sound heard or any movement seen. It seemed  as if we were in a horror movie or something. Silence. Ofcourse it would be, what did you expect ?! Everyone to laugh or scream ? And I smiled at my own stupid thought however that earned me a glare from Dr.Nadia. I looked down, cursing myself for my stupid behavior. When will I grow up ?! I thought.

"Dua Khan, Dujaja Azam, Arshia Ahmed and Zain Sher please come out and handover your pagers for you are no longer a part of this program." Dr.shehryar said and looked at them with disgust and anger. He had the 'if-you-dont-get-out-now-i'll-kill-you' look and believe me, it was really, really scary. The four interns got up and moved out of the room at once, leaving their badges and pagers at the table. I diverted my attention to another thought that why didn't these people ask for another chance or something ? I mean, I'd be crying my eyes out, begging and pleading for another chance. What did they do ?

Before I could ponder over that thought Dr.nadia spoke ;" if you're all wondering as to why they got expelled, the answer is that they weren't serious-...."

"They weren't only serious, no, they were 'hanging out' in the hospital. Listen to me interns, you are new here, it's just the start of your career, the start of your life and you really don't want to destroy that now do you ? If you get this program, you'll be on the top and the one on the top survives. I won't even think for a second before kicking you out if I ever catch you doing these things. I don't like this and neither will I tolerate it in my hospital. This hospital has a clean enviornment, don't pollute it with your disgusting behaviors." And with that being said dr.shehryar stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him, leaving our mouths hanging open.

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