Chapter 26: The Banks Sisters V.S. Paige and Alicia Fox

Start from the beginning

"After the attack on Sasha Banks last week from Paige and Alicia Fox, Tanya Banks, who has recovered from injuries from Ronda Rousey, had come to her aid and saved her. General Manager, Kurt Angle made it official that these four will compete in tag-team action." Michael said.

Eagle Screech

The crowd booed as they came out together. "And their opponents, the team of Alicia Fox and Paige!" JoJo announced.

They walked down the ramp as we glared at them. I could see them trying to hide the fear in their eyes when they saw the guys. Both of them got on the apron and got inside the ring. They did their poses on the top turnbuckle before jumping down. Paige took off her jacket and tossed it aside.

"I'll start things off." Sasha explained. I nodded before I got behind the ropes. I saw Alicia ready to start things off as well. Paige got behind the ropes and began encouraging her. The bell rang and the two circled each other before locking up.

*10 Minutes Later*

Alicia had Sasha in a headlock. My sister was struggling to break free, trying to get up. "Come on, Sasha!" I encouraged her. The Shield were encouraging her as well. The crowd began chanting her name as Paige and Alicia grew frustrated. Sasha managed to break free and began landing punches. She backed her into a corner.

Alicia was holding her stomach in pain. Sasha went to the opposite turnbuckle and ran before hitting her with a double knees. She grabbed Alicia and tossed her across the ring. She got on the top rope, but Paige ran and distracted her. I jumped off the apron and grabbed her leg, getting her off. I ran and hit her with a Spear. The crowd was going wild.

"That's how it's done!" I yelled, making them cheer loudly.

"Babe, watch out!" I heard Dean yell. I turned around and was met with a Scissors Kick by Alicia. I fell to my knees and I was sent face first into the steel post. I held my head in pain as Paige lay beside me, holding her stomach and neck. Sasha came in and sent Alicia into the ring as the guys came over.

"Alicia Fox ramming Tanya Banks' face into the steel post! The Shield coming to check on their girl." Michael said. "All three of these men are extremely worried for her. You can see it all over their faces." JBL added.

"Tanya! Are you okay?!" I heard Seth ask. I groaned and held my head. The throbbing pain was doing a great job. "Are you okay, Tanya?! Baby, are you okay?!" Dean asked, concern all over his face. I sat up as I saw Paige recovering. I managed to stand up and after a while, the pain subsided. "I'm okay now, boys. I'm alright." I reassured them.

Both Sasha and Alicia were down, trying to get to their corners. I saw Paige encouraging her partner to tag her in. I quickly ran to my corner and extended my arm out. "Let's go, Sis!" I encouraged her. She managed to tag me in just and Alicia tagged in Paige. I slid in the ring and I began attacking her with Clotheslines.

I ran and hit her with a roundhouse kick. I grabbed her throat and slammed her with a Chokeslam. "Chokeslam to Paige! Tanya Banks paying tribute to The Undertaker and Kane!" JBL said.

Paige got up and went to hit me with a kick, but I dodged it and grabbed her, hitting a Superplex. "There you go, Babygirl! Finish that bitch!" Roman shouted. I smirked as I waited for Paige to get up. I ran and went to hit her with my knees, but she moved out of the way. She then rolled me up. "One! Two!" I kicked out.

Paige grabbed me and screamed before hitting me with the Rampaige. She then went for a pin so she could pick up a win. "One! Two! Th-" i kicked out at the last second, makig the crowd go insane as the guys looked shocked as well. "Tanya Banks kicked out! She kicked out!" Michael exclaimed. Paige held her head in shock as she started to throw a tantrum.

"How the hell did Tanya kick out of the Rampaige?!" Jerry asked. "She's The Champ! She's a Hound of Justice! Hang in there, Sweetie!" JBL added.

Paige began arguing with the referee, so I rolled her up. "One! Two!" she kicked out. She reversed and rolled me up. "One! Two!" I kicked out and hit her with the Twist of Fate. I quickly locked her into the Sharpshooter. She screamed and thrashed her arms. Alicia came in, but was kicked by Sasha, who locked her i to the Bank Statement.

Both of them tapped and the bell rang. We released them as the guys came in, our music playing. "Here are your winners! The team of Sasha and Tanya Banks!" JoJo announced.

Sasha and I hugged each other while laughing. When we pulled away, Roman and Seth lifted me up in a huge bear hug. "That's our girl!" my ninja friend said. I smiled and kissed their cheeks before I looked at Dean.

He walked over and cupped my face, smashing my lips to his. The crowd went insane as I kissed back. I ran my hands through his hair as he held the back of my head with one hand and my waist with the other. We pulled away before he lifted me up, spinning me around, the both of us laughing. Seth and Roman came over and all four of us put our fists in.

We then looked at Sasha, who was by herself. I smiled as Roman and the guys gestured for her to come over. She walked over, holding her shoulder before putting her fist in as well. Soon, all of us went backstage together, celebrating our victory.

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