Chapter 12 - Amaya - Making a Connection

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They ended up back at Molly's house. After driving back with the windows down and the cool misty breeze that blew in off the ocean, Amaya felt invigorated. She felt alive and happy in a way she wasn't sure she ever had before.

     When they went inside, Molly hung her hat on the rack by the door. She removed the velvet coat, tossing it over the back of a chair. Then, she undid the buttons of her vest and let it hang open.

     Amaya found that she couldn't take her eyes off Molly. Every move she made. The way her hips swished in the tight pants. Her beautiful face as she swept her red curls to one side, revealing her graceful neck. Amaya's eyes weren't the only part of her that wanted to devour this woman who'd come to mean so much to her.

     Molly went to the kitchen to fetch two glasses of wine, which she sat on the coffee table in front of Amaya. There was a small, playful smile on her lips. "I don't think anyone is ever going to forget the sight of Tina Clancy covered in goo." She let out a quick laugh.

     Amaya didn't really care about Tina. She'd already forgotten the party. All she wanted to think about was Molly. She reached out to brush her hand against Molly's cheek. "This is the sight that I shall never forget."

     Molly's eyes snapped up to meet Amaya's.

     Amaya scooted close enough to put an arm around Molly's waist, pulling her over so that she was sitting in Amaya's lap for once. "I feel a need to be close to you."

     "Closer than this?" Molly's hand cupped Amaya's face. Their noses brushed against each other.

     "Much, much closer." Amaya stretched her neck out to press her lips to Molly's. "If you have no objections."

     "I'm definitely up for closer." Molly shrugged the vest off and tossed it over into the chair with her coat.

     When Amaya leaned back to remove her sweater vest, she accidentally caught it on the headband. Molly had to help her out of it.

     "Are you sure you want to do this?" Molly asked, brushing her fingers through Amaya's golden hair to straighten it out.

     "I am." Amaya said. "But I've never been with a human in this way before. I'm not sure of what to do."

     Molly smiled. "Don't worry. We'll take it slow. I can show you, and we'll find out what you like." Molly pulled the white blouse over her head and dropped it on the floor. Then, she unbuttoned Amaya's shirt, pushing it off of her. Molly discarded it with her own shirt and wrapped her arms around Amaya, pressing their bodies together.

     The heat in Amaya's body grew more intense as Molly pressed her lips to Amaya's once again. The whole experience gave Amaya the most intense feelings she'd ever had. She had no idea that physical affection could be such a source of euphoria. She'd thought the mermaid way was enjoyable, but held no comparison to what they'd just done.

     "Is it always like that?" Amaya asked, nearly breathless, cuddling with Molly on the bed, which they had moved to midway through undressing, as Molly said it would be more comfortable.

     Molly laughed, playing with the ends of Amaya's hair. "Not always. It's best with someone you care about, though I have had lots of fun with a stranger or two in the past."

     "I hope I was not a disappointment."

     Molly laughed as she leaned in to kiss Amaya gently. "Not at all. You were perfect."

     Amaya buried her face in Molly's neck, drawing lines on Molly's skin. "I have so many feelings, I don't know how to describe them."

     "The first time can be overwhelming." Molly said. "I mean, I assume it was your first time because you said you'd only been to land that once before now."

     "It was." Amaya confirmed. Her hand glided over Molly's thigh, along the curve of her hip, up her torso, finally coming to rest on her shoulder. Her body was beautiful. Everything she used to find strange about humans—the legs, the way their noses stuck out from their face, the little hairs that covered every inch of them—she adored it all on Molly. Every last freckle and imperfection was awe inspiring.

     Amaya returned to James' house a few hours later, giddy and lighthearted. Everything seemed right with the world.

     Amaya was compelled to let out her feelings the only way she knew how. She went over to open the window and began to sing out into the night, accompanied by the cacophony of the waves crashing against the shore.

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