Chapter 13 - Molly - Too Good to Be True

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Molly couldn't believe her luck in finding such an amazing person—relatively speaking—like Amaya. Amaya was everything she never knew she needed. She was clever, in her own way. She was sweet and kind. She was the most beautiful woman Molly had ever seen.

It all seemed too good to be true.

After Amaya left, Molly couldn't sleep. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw Amaya's face and thought about all the possibilities that lay ahead of them. She had never expected to find someone she could picture a whole life with. She could imagine Amaya staying here, living at the lighthouse with her. She could just imagine what Amaya would look like in a long white gown.

It was crazy. She'd known this girl for all of two weeks and she was picturing their wedding. That was not the type of person Molly was. She'd never been one to look too far into the future. She liked adventure and being free. But maybe the two didn't have to be mutually exclusive. Maybe she could have the girl of her dreams, and still live out her vagabond fantasy.

After rolling over for the tenth time, Molly got up to make some tea. She pulled on some flannel pajama pants with the University of Michigan sweatshirt that she wore to bed on cold nights. She knew she'd end up on the back porch. She always did when drinking tea, for some inexplicable reason. Maybe she just loved the sight of the ocean. With her mug to keep her hands warm, she stepped outside into the brisk wind to listen to the melodic sound of the ocean.

Gazing out at the majestic sight, her thoughts turned to Amaya. The mermaid. She was falling for a mermaid! She shook her head at the idea of it. It didn't seem possible.

The scent of the night air reminded her of Amaya. That salty, sweet ocean smell clung to her as if she'd bottled it to use as perfume.

Suddenly, Molly's ears pricked up, hearing a strange melodic song on the wind. It reminded her of the time Kaelin had come to open mic night at the bar. But there was something different about this song. It seemed to be calling out to her, beckoning her to find to the source.

Molly went back through her house, stopping only long enough to slip her feet into a pair of sneakers before she rushed out into the night, to search for the one who sang to her. With every step everything became hazier until it all just dropped away, and there was nothing but the song.

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