Chapter 6 - Molly - The Land of Ice

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When Molly pulled away from Amaya, it suddenly hit her what she had done. It wasn't intentional, she'd just been so overwhelmed to see the beautiful golden-haired goddess that she'd been dreaming of for months. "I'm so sorry. I just... I mean..."

Molly shook her head hard. "I shouldn't have kissed you, but I wanted to so badly before you left, and I was kicking myself that I didn't, then there you were." She held a hand out toward the place Amaya stood.

Amaya smiled. "I also wished I had done that before. So much so that I had to come back to see if you might want to."

Molly laughed. "Really?" She could feel the flush coming over her cheeks. With her pale skin she was probably a tomato right now.

"Yes," Amaya nodded. She reached out and brushed a gentle hand along Molly's cheek. "I've thought of you so often since I left."

Molly couldn't help herself. She had to kiss the girl again. This time with feeling. It took a moment for them to find a rhythm, they were both a bit rigid, but once they did the kiss flowed naturally. It was unbelievable.

Strange images flashed behind Molly's eyelids. She swam deep underwater; she could even feel it around her like a comfort blanket. She saw a glimpse of a canyon, somewhere in the Arctic she guessed by the sight of a giant blue glacier overhead.

Molly was first to break away, confused and bit lightheaded. "You sure know how to make a girl swoon."

Amaya bit her lip and looked off to the side. It was only then that Molly registered the presence of Gretchen Abernathy.

"Hi," Molly said, sheepishly.

Gretchen's eyes jumped from Amaya to Molly. "Hi!" Her voice was a bit too strained and bit too high. Something was going on that Molly wasn't aware of.

Molly suddenly felt a pang of fear in her chest. She pointed two fingers between them. "You two aren't..." Molly paused briefly, unable to finish. "Are you?"

Gretchen chuckled, then shook her head. "No. We're just friends."

Amaya grabbed Molly's hand. "It is you whom I came to see. About whom I cannot stop thinking."

Molly felt the heat return to her face as a grin grew on her lips. It was always nice to hear that a beautiful woman was hung up on her. And Amaya was the most beautiful woman she'd ever seen, without a doubt. She even seemed to glow a bit, amidst the gray cloudy morning surrounding her.

Gretchen cleared her throat to gain their attention. "If I'm driving you guys back to the lighthouse, or to Mr. Culver's, we really need to get going. I should've been back at school like twenty minutes ago."

"Sorry." Molly said. She forgot that Gretchen was so much younger than her. Molly remembered Liam Bainbridge saying he was seventeen this past summer, and Kaelin had told her that Gretchen was Liam's ex, so Gretchen must be close to that.

"It's cool, my parents just get really pissy about me skipping, because it's my senior year."

Molly went to pick up her abandoned suitcase. "I'm ready, if you guys are."

Gretchen dropped them both off at the lighthouse before speeding off. She offered Amaya a ride to Liam's grandfather's house, but Amaya insisted she could walk. "I do not wish to delay you any further." she told Gretchen.

Amaya followed Molly over to the front door of the house section of the lighthouse. There was a long hallway that linked the two for stormy days, but otherwise they were completely separated.

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