Hana: "Hi (Y/N), I just finished a round of Hearthstone, but anyway how was it?"

(Y/N): "Hana I'm now an official member of Overwatch."

Hana looks at Jack very excited.

Jack: "That's right Hana, (Y/N) is our new member, our first Spartan member."

Hana: *gasp* "That's fantastic. I'm so excited to fight along a Spartan."

Jack: "Since your excited and here Hana, why don't you show (Y/N) around the base."

Hana: "I'd love too!" She grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room. But are stopped by Jack's voice

Jack: "Hana! Make sure you come back when your finish the tour, I'd need to give (Y/N) his room."

Hana: "KK"


Hana's POV

I grabbed (Y/N) hand and pulled him along on our tour around the base

Hana: "So (Y/N) where would you like to see first?"

(Y/N): "I'm feeling a bit hungry right now, is there a place to get food?"

Hana: "Of course, there's the mess hall dum dum."

I lead (Y/N) to the mess hall to get some food. There was quite a long queue line because it was around dinner time so it will take a while until we reached the serving table. When we got there I grabbed a plate with one sandwich that was cut into two slices, some fries and Mountain Dew while (Y/N) grabbed (meal). We found an empty table and sat there. (Y/N) took off his helmet revealing a handsome face underneath it and placed it next to his meal. I didn't think a Spartan could look this hot and attractive. A minute passed and other Overwatch agent eagerly decided to join us, (Y/N) was the main reason our table became so full real fast. I don't blame him. He's a freaking Spartan! Just me sitting next to him alone feels like I'm having a dream.

Hana: "Allow me to introduce you to everyone around here (Y/N). That's Lena better know as Tracer she's has a thing with speed."

Lena: "Hi ya luv!" Tracer waved to (Y/N).

Hana: "That's Genji he's a cool cyborg ninja dude." Genji bowed to (Y/N).

Hana: "That's Reinhardt."

Reinhardt: "Hello there Spartan. Glad to see another lad wear sick armor." He chuckled a bit.

(Y/N): "Thanks, your's looks cool!"

Hana: "That's Lúcio he's currently the best DJ, and my favourite musician."

Lúcio: "Sup Spartan! Mind if I make a song about you guys. You Spartans are AWESOME!!"

(Y/N): "That sound like a great idea. Can't wait to hear it."

There were may more Agents I introduced (Y/N) to and when I finished he later he introduced himself. After dinner I showed (Y/N) around the base we stopped a bit at the gym and shooting range probably just for (Y/N) to showoff to all the others and me. For our last stop we visited the science lab. When we entered the lab (Y/N) asked if that six foot tall gorilla in front of us was a science experiment that scientists Winston was working on.

Hana: "No (Y/N) that is the Scientists silly."

Winston: "Oh hi there Hana, how are you doing today?"

Hana: "I'm doing great Winston. Oh and meet the newest Overwatch member (Y/N) (L/N).

(Y/N): "Hello Winston, it's nice to meet you." (Y/N) shook Winston hand.

Me and (Y/N) turn to exit but are stopped by Winston.

Winston: "Wait before you guys move on can I ask (Y/N) for Mjolnir Armor to stay in my lab for a few days."

(Y/N): "Oh...well err."

Winston: "For science, I must know how that armor works. It such a great invention." Winston begged.

(Y/N): "Well I'm normally not allow to let my armor in other people's hand, but since I'm no longer at the UNSC base I can use someone who knows how it works so they can make repairs to it after battle whenever it does get damage."

Winston: "Great! Just drop it off at the lab when you can."

(Y/N): "Don't get so happy monkey man. I have one exception."

Winston: "And what ment that be?" That stopped Winston's little cheering moment.

(Y/N): "When you do know how the Mjolnir Armor works, don't be putting it in other Overwatch Agent armor. This is my Armor and only for Spartans to wear, only I can have it. But if I do see it on other Agents I would come here and rip your head off!" (Y/N) said very protectively about his Armor.

Winston: "Easy friend, and besides I have no intention of doing that."

(Y/N) "Good, But anyway we should get moving. See ya later Winston."

I took (Y/N) back to Morrison Office and he gave (Y/N) his room number and a special phone that all Overwatch agents gets after joining Overwatch. The back cover of his phone has his helmet on it with a background colour of (primary colours) and (secondary colours), which was on his armor too. My phone cover had my bunny logo with pink and blue on it.

After that there was one thing left for
(Y/N) to do. He had to go outside to one of the landing pads where a Pelican has landed to deliver (Y/N)'s personal belonging and his equipment. I lead him there and he grabbed his duffel bag with his personal belonging while some UNSC staff carry his equipment which were in hard cases to the armory. I lead him to the living quarters which was a sperpate part of the base.

Hana: "So (Y/N) what is your room number?"

(Y/N): "Umm room B32."

Hana: "That's perfect! My room is B30, so I'm just two rooms apart from you."

(Y/N): "Why is that perfect, Hana?"

Hana: "Because you can come to my room if you have any questions or just want to hang out duh."

Me and (Y/N) headed to floor B and found room 32 where I told him that there is no key just a hand scanner. He scans his hand and the device registered his hand.

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