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"My daughter is alive." Mr. Tojo said while looking at Eli.

"Wha?.." Eli said then Mr. Tojo's eyes enlarged for a second.

"I-If that's what you want to believe of course....She's alive in our hearts." He added

Eli gave him a smile, "Yeah...That's what I believe too." She said then looked front.

"I'm fine here Ayase, thank you for the ride." He said then got off the car.

"You're welcome Sir." Eli said then drove off.

Mr. Tojo stared at Eli's car then his face saddened,
"We shouldn't have agreed to that wicked woman's plan." He muttered then walked to a house.
He placed his hand on the knob,
"Now I feel sorry.." He added then opened the door.


After the celebration, Kotori and Umi laid on their bed to relax and have time for each other.

"Umi-chaaan~!" Kotori said then embraced Umi.

"Mhhm?" Umi uttered then wrapped her arms around Kotori.

"I feel happy." Kotori said with a smile.

Umi kissed Kotori's forehead, "So am I, This is what I always wanted.." Umi said

Kotori giggled, "You really are sweet and bold when we're alone." She said

This made Umi's face red, "O-Of course! I-I don't want to be shameless in public." Umi muttered

"No~! You're just being shy!, we can cuddle in public right? Or kiss? Or hug?" Kotori said making Umi blush harder

"A-A-Absolutely NOT!, Kotori we can never do such things in public!" Umi protested

Kotori sat up and placed her hands on her chest.

Umi's eyes widened in realization,

Kotori closed her eyes then opened her eyes,

That hit Umi's spot, She froze while her jaw dropped.
She couldn't resist the cuteness, Kotori's please is her only weakness.
She looked down while blushing,

"You're so unfair Kotori.."

Kotori giggled, "So you'll do it with me?" She asked then lifted Umi's head with a smile

Umi let out a sigh, "Okay..." She muttered

Kotori giggled then kissed Umi's lips,
They broke the contact,
"Let's sleep or...perhaps do it?.." She asked

Umi raised her brow, "do what?" She asked

Kotori gives her a wink.

(Y'all know this wink)


"Nico, I don't think I can accompany you later." Maki said as she drives her way home.

Nico raised a brow then frowned,
"And why is that?" She asked

"I-I have to check on to something, it's nothing for you to worry about." Maki answered

"No, I'm curious about it, you're hiding something, aren't you?" Nico said as she squints her eyes

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