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Eli's POV

I got off my bed early and dashed to the bathroom to clean my self up.
I need to be early in school today because I know Nozomi will be in the library later.

How did I know that?
Nico of course

I really think Nico is cool, Good for that asshat Maki.

By the way, I should hurry the fuck up.

After taking a bath and putting my clothes on, I ran towards the kitchen to get some food from the refrigerator.

"Eli-sama! You shouldn't run!" Our maid sheera yelled

I gave her a wink and took 4 bars of chocolate.
"Love you too." I uttered before running out of the house

I continued running until I reached my car, I took my keys from my pocket and used it on my car.

I got in and ripped the chocolate's wrapper then took a bite.

Sweet....and delicious

I started the engine and drove off to school

I finally arrived at school, I parked my car and noticed that Maki and Umi's cars are already here.

Why the hell are they here before me?

Well....never mind

I left 2 bars of chocolates inside.

I dashed to the library's entrance and saw Nozomi sitting down while reading a book.

Her beautiful face is the reason why my heart is beating so fast right now.
Her hair is braided, her turquoise eyes looking at the book and her beautiful smile.

I noticed she's slowly dozing off, she quickly lift her head up and focused on her book.

So beautiful...

I noticed her dozing off again, I quickly ran towards her and caught her head using my hand.

I'm just worried that she might hit her head on the table.

I slowly placed her head down on the table and heard her soft snores.

I can't help but smile.

Guess it's time to leave.
I turned and began to walk away.


I looked back at her

"Don'" She said while asleep

My eyes widened and a smile formed on my face.

I walked toward her and sat beside her.
I placed the chocolate bar on the table and I caressed her cheek.

"I won't." I muttered

She formed a smile on her face.

Holy shit, she's so goddamn cute.

I stared at her face for 5 minutes then I saw her finger moved.

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